Within Criminal Case on Incidents in Gavar 28 Persons Involved as Defendant; Search Declared against 3 of them

Within the criminal case on murder of two persons and infliction of firearm bodily injuries to four persons in Gavar, as well as mass disorder accompanied with violence and destruction of property by a group of people investigated in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee investigatory and other procedural actions of great volume are ongoing.
4 more persons were involved as a defendant for being involved in mass disorder and search was declared against 3 of them. The motions on their detention as a pretrial measure are in the process of consideration.
As of this moment, 28 persons are involved as a defendant within the criminal case 25 of which for being involved in mass disorders in «Gavar Medical Center», 1 person - for murder attempt in the same medical center and 2 persons for murder attempt against two or more people in a way dangerous for many people's life in Azatutyun Street of Gavar, illegal procurement, keeping of weapon.
It was earlier informed that in the result of investigatory and other procedural actions, as well as operative-intelligence measures 10 of the cars of those involved in the incident and shooting were found, they were searched and a number of forensic examinations on them were commissioned. 2 of the weapons that were with the mentioned persons during the incidents were also found and forensic examinations on them were commissioned, as well.
Preliminary investigation is ongoing.
Additional information about the procedural decisions made on the base of the obtained evidence will be provided.
Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.