09.02.15, 13:14

Yerevan resident M. Petrosyan charged with murder attempt

Yerevan resident M. Petrosyan charged with murder attempt

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on murder attempt committed against the citizen Oseb Markaryan is ongoing in the Investigative Division of Arabkir administrative district of Yerevan Investigative Department. In the framework of the criminal case a charge was pressed against the suspect M. Petrosyan.

Through preliminary investigation it was particularly found that on February 6, 2015 Yerevan resident M. Petrosyan went to the office belonging to Oseb Markaryan located on the basement floor of the house 2/1, Proshyan Str.

A row erupted at the office during which M. Petrosyan took the gun of 9 mm caliber of “IZh-71” model out of his waist which he carried illegally, shot in the direction of O. Markaryan. The latter was inflicted a bodily damage but, according to the investigation data, due to unforeseen circumstances M. Petrosyan did not manage to complete the crime as those  present at the office neutralized him.

Based on the obtained evidence M. Petrosyan was charged on February 9 pursuant to the Part 1 of the Article 34-104 and the Part 1 of the Article 235 of RA Criminal Code. 

On the same day the investigator submitted a motion to the court to use detainment as a pretrial measure against the defendant Petrosyan.