03.04.17, 13:07

197 reports received in RA IC territorial subdivisions

197 reports received in RA IC territorial subdivisions

As of 15:00, April 3, 197 reports were received in the RA Investigative Committee which apparently contain crime elements of electoral right breach envisaged by RA Criminal Code.

68 of the received reports were in Yerevan, 16 – in Gegharquniq, 22 – in Kotayq, 12 – in Lori, 4 – in Vayots Dzor, 16 – in Aragatsotn, 9 – in Tavush, 12– in Shirak, 34 – in Armavir, 2 – in Syuniq, 2 in Ararat regions.

In the result of necessary procedural actions conducted to verify the circumstances mentioned in the reports criminal cases were initiated on 6 cases, one material was sent to prosecution office to be sent according to investigatory subordination.

Materials are prepared in the RA IC territorial subdivisions on the rest 190 reports. Additional information on procedural decisions made on the base of actual data obtained in the result of comprehensive investigation will be provided.