A criminal case initiated on three servicemen’s death caused by the road accident in Gegharquniq

A criminal case was initiated in General Military Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee on road accident that took place near the village of Tsovak which caused death of three servicemen.
On September 5, 2015 at about 22:30 the car “Mercedes Benz” with 86 ST 777 registration numbers went out of the traffic zone of the road and crashed into the tree in the administrative area of the village of Tsovak, Gegharquniq region.
In the result of the accident the serviceman of the unit N of RA Ministry of Defense, Captain Taron Sedrakyan died, Major Grigor Sahakyan and under officer Gevorg Vardanyan died a little later in Vardenis garrison military hospital of RA Ministry of Defense.
The servicemen Major Sevak Gasparyan and Junior Sergeant Harutyun Mirzoyan are in central military hospital of RA Ministry of Defense. They are in serious but stable condition.
A criminal case was initiated in General Military Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee according to the Part 3 of the Article 242 of RA Criminal Code.
During preliminary investigation inspection of the site and the means of transportation was conducted, forensic medical examination of the bodies was commissioned.
Preliminary investigation is under way.
Necessary investigatory actions are conducted to provide the comprehensive, complete and objective investigation of the case.