04.04.18, 13:07

Abuses in 8 communities of Armavir region

Abuses in 8 communities of Armavir region

23 criminal cases initiated on abuses recorded in the process of distribution of seed and fertilizer in several communities of Armavir region were received in the proceeding of Armavir Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee; 13 of the mentioned criminal cases were joint in one proceeding.

Particularly, abuses were recorded in the process of distribution of fertilizer and seed to beneficiaries of a number of communities of Armavir region from 2015 to 2016 within the state support program. 20 of 23 criminal cases received in Armavir Regional Investigative Department were initiated by the inquest bodies, 3 – by prosecution office.  

Through examination of criminal cases it was found out that in the process of distribution of seeds and fertilizer in the mentioned communities within state support program head of each community was directly involved in abuses. Considering that a number of criminal cases relate to alleged abuses committed by the head of the same community the investigator made decisions to join them in one proceeding.

Thus, 8 criminal cases initiated on cases of abuse committed by officials in the process of distribution of fertilizer in Artamet community were joint in one proceeding and the criminal case initiated on abuses committed in the process of distribution of autumn seeds is investigated in a separate proceeding.

3 criminal cases initiated on abuse committed by officials in the process of distribution of fertilizer in Mrgashat community were joint in one proceeding and the criminal case initiated on abuses committed in the process of distribution of autumn seeds is investigated in a separate proceeding.

3 criminal cases initiated on abuse committed by officials in the process of distribution of fertilizer in Nalbandyan community were joint in one proceeding.

2 criminal cases initiated on abuse committed by officials in the process of distribution of fertilizer in Bambakashat community were joint in one proceeding.

2 criminal cases initiated on abuse committed by officials in the process of distribution of fertilizer in Amasia community were joint in one proceeding.

Thus, 10 criminal cases are investigated in the RA IC Armavir Regional Investigative Department on abuses committed in 8 communities of Armavir region – Artamet, Sardarapat, Nalbandyan, Bambakashat, Amasia, Araks, Mrgashat, Jrashen.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing. Measures are taken to find all circumstances of the cases, to clarify the frame of those having committed the alleged crime and to give appropriate criminal legal assessment.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.