15.12.21, 14:03

Former Head of Vanadzdor Arrested

Former Head of Vanadzdor Arrested

In the result of large-scale investigative and other procedural actions conducted in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee data were obtained on a number of circumstances of abusing and exceeding official authorities, forgery allegedly committed by M. A. who held the position of the head of Vanadzor community from October 10, 2016 to October 10, 2021.

In the result of necessary investigative actions factual data were obtained on the allegation that M. A., obviously exceeding his authorities, under relevant decisions made by him altered the significance of the lands intended for settlement with a total surface of 0,94955 ha located at 1/1 և 1/1-6 Narekatsi, Vanadzor into lands intended for energy, transport, communication and communal infrastructure objects and the operational significance – from lands intended for public construction into lands for operational significance of communal infrastructure, in case the proposal of altering the significance of the mentioned lands had been submitted to the relevant interdepartmental commission as defined by the RA Government’s decision and the mentioned package had been returned for three times by the commission to be edited. As a result, significant damage was caused to the rights and legal interests of the state and community which negligently caused grave consequences.

Besides, in the mentioned period the head of Vanadzor community, out of personal and group interests, abusing his official authorities and involving false data in his relevant decision, he altered the operational significance of the land with a total surface of 0,0999 ha located at 14/1-10, Student Street, Vanadzor, involved in the list of restrictions envisaged by the Article 60 of RA Land Code making operational significance of lands intended for settlement into ones for public construction.

Then a false certificate was drown up and signed by M. A. certifying that the land located at 14/1-10, Student Street, Vanadzor was not allegedly involved in the list of restrictions envisaged by the Article 60 of RA Land Code which together with the decision of the head of the community was submitted to Vanadzor territorial subdivision of the RA Cadastre Committee and on their base the ownership right of Vanadzor community over the mentioned land was registered the significance of which was formulated as residential and the operational significance - public construction.

After it the head of Vanadzor community M. A. involving the mentioned land in the list of the lands alienated by the community organized an auction in Vanadzor municipality and by his decision the land with the mentioned surface was alienated for 2 007 700 AMD.

Besides, out of personal and group interests to alienate the land with a surface of 0,26293 ha located at 14/1-9 Student Street, Vanadzor to a citizen, abusing his official authorities and involving false data in the decision made by him he altered the operational significance of the mentioned land from lands intended for settlement to lands for public construction.

Then during the auction held in the municipality in the above-mentioned way he alienated the land for 5 284 120 AMD.

Moreover, data were obtained that the former head of Vanadzor, did not fulfill his official duties and gave an opportunity to the mother of his friend’s wife to sell or present lands from the land owned by her, intended for public construction, located at 3/3 Narekatsi Street, Vanadzor to perform funerals there, in case M. A. was informed about the existence of graves at the mentioned area by Lori municipality.

In the result of criminal actions committed by the former head of Vanadzor community significant damage was caused to the rights and legal interests of the community – the community and state were deprived of the opportunity to use the mentioned area as intended.

On the base of the obtained sufficient evidence M. A. was involved as a defendant according to the Part 3 of the Article 309, the Part 2 of the Article 308 (2 counts), the Part 1 of the Article 314, the Part 1 of the Article 308 of RA Criminal Code.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.