10.12.14, 14:23

Any case of violence aimed at extorting testimony shall be completely excluded. A. Hovsepyan

Any case of violence aimed at extorting testimony shall be completely excluded. A. Hovsepyan

 “The protection of human rights and freedoms, as well as the restoration of violated rights is one of the most important issues of all the state and local governments and officials”, the Chairman of RA Investigative Committee told at the discussion held by Ombudsman’s Office.

The Chairman of RA Investigative Committee Aghvan Hovsepyan congratulated the Ombudsman’s Office on the 10th anniversary of its formation and stated that in protection of human rights and freedoms, as well as in restoration of violated rights a special role is played by investigative bodies the activity of which is directed to the protection of human life, health, property and other rights and freedoms, as constitutional human rights and freedoms are restricted or suspended, in cases defined by law, just during preliminary investigation by using pretrial measures, imposing arrest to mail-telegraph delivery, wiretapping, etc. It is very important to make restrictions without violating the human rights.

A.  Hovsepyan noticed that at present there are a number of shortcomings in the activity of investigative bodies, as well as in the sphere of protection of human rights. It is related either to violations of procedural deadlines, specific procedural norms, or ignoring the requirement of the law on providing the completeness and comprehensiveness of preliminary investigation, as well as the violation of the human right to fair trial. Their abolition is one of the most important issues.

“According to the Article 17 of Constitution no one shall be subjected to torture, as well as to inhumane or degrading treatment and the arrested, detained or incarcerated persons shall be entitled to humane treatment and respect for dignity. From this point of view I consider that any case of violence with intend to extort testimony, particularly during preliminary investigation, is impermissible which shall be completely excluded”, A. Hovsepyan stated.