08.08.17, 15:38

Body of Yerevan resident, who had been missing, found in Tavush

Body of Yerevan resident, who had been missing, found in Tavush

On August 7, 2017 at 14:30 a call was received informing that there was a body at the neighboring area of the road to “Haghartsin Monastery”.

The investigatory-operative group immediately left for the site.

A man’s body was found on the left part of the road to “Haghartsin Monastery”; on the neck of the body a sticky ribbon was wrapped. Pieces of polyethylene bag with bloodlike traces were found near the body.

In the result of taken measures the body was identified; the latter was a resident of Yerevan, born in 1985, and had been missing since July 31, 2017.

Investigation is conducted to find the causes, circumstances of the man’s death. Forensic medical examination was commissioned.