09.09.19, 09:12

Criminal Cases Initiated on Disorders in «Nubarashen» and «Hrazdan» Penitentiaries Received in IC Proceeding

Criminal Cases Initiated on Disorders in «Nubarashen» and «Hrazdan» Penitentiaries Received in IC Proceeding

Investigation is conducted in the Investigative Division of Erebuni and Nubarashen administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department and Kotayk Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee to find out all circumstances of disorders committed in “Nubarashen” and “Hrazdan” penitentiaries.

Pursuant to initial data, on September 5, 2019 at about 15:30 two convicts serving punishment in “Nubarashen” penitentiary of the RA Ministry of Justice apparently organized mass disorders – instructed the convicts involved in technical-economic work of the penitentiary not to carry out their duties, appealed to the convicts and prisoners of the penitentiary to perform mass disorders.

As a result, by the instruction of the mentioned people the convicts and prisoners of the penitentiary started mass disorders – they destroyed and damaged the property hitting and breaking the cell doors, threw burning items out of the cells. As a result, the grass burnt which was extinguished by the employees of the RA Ministry of Emergency Situations. Besides, at the same period about 30 cars gathered at the area surrounding the penitentiary.

In the result of necessary measures taken together with the relevant subdivision of the Police at about 21:00 the mass disorder at the penitentiary was stopped.

A criminal case was initiated in the Prosecution Office of Erebuni and Nubarashen administrative districts according to the Parts 1 and 2 of the Article 225 of RA Criminal Code which was sent to the Investigative Division of Erebuni and Nubarashen administrative districts of the RA Investigative Committee and was received in the proceeding. Considering the complexity of the criminal case and the necessity of conducting investigatory and procedural actions of great volume, conduction of preliminary investigation of the criminal case was tasked to the investigatory group.

A number of urgent investigatory actions, including inspection of the scene, interrogations were conducted during preliminary investigation.

Pursuant to initial data, about 115 convicts and prisoners were involved in mass disorders in the penitentiary.

Besides, disorders were committed in «Hrazdan» penitentiary, as well.

Thus, on September 5, 2019 reports were submitted from the employee of «Hrazdan» penitentiary of the RA Ministry of Justice informing that on the same day at about 18:25 two prisoners as well as from 19:00 to 19:55 the prisoners and convicts of two branches of the penitentiary hindered the natural work of the penitentiary – scolded, hit the cell doors, did not obey the legal demands of penitentiary employees, broke the cell doors and left the cells.

Considering that in the prepared materials there is a legal base to initiate a criminal case in the Prosecution Office of Kotayk province a criminal case was initiated according to the Parts 1 and 2 of the Article 225 of RA Criminal Code which was sent to the RA IC Kotayk Regional Investigative Department for conduction of preliminary investigation and was received in the proceeding.

Preliminary investigation of the two criminal cases is under way.

Urgent investigatory and procedural actions of great volume are conducted, operative-intelligence measures are taken to find out the frame of those involved in the mass disorders in penitentiaries, to personalize their actions and to give appropriate criminal legal assessment. Instructions were given to relevant subdivisions of the Police and the administration of penitentiaries

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.