05.12.18, 08:48

Enhanced Service to be Implemented by Investigative Committee during Snap Elections of National Assembly to be Held on December 9

Enhanced Service to be Implemented by Investigative Committee during Snap Elections of National Assembly to be Held on December 9

By the order of the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan a working group was formed to conduct proper control over reports on breaches of citizens’ electoral rights during snap elections of National Assembly to be held on December 9, as well as in the period following it within the competence of the Investigative Committee.

The heads of bodies conducting pretrial proceeding and subdivisions of the Investigative Committee were particularly tasked;

-     to implement an enhanced service on December 9 involving 100% of employees at the same time giving the employees of the Investigative Committee an opportunity to take part in the snap elections of National Assembly as an elector.

-    to quickly respond to all reports on breach of citizens' electoral rights during elections and in the period following it, to organize the consideration of the reports in short terms.  

-     to send urgent reports about preparation of materials, initiation of criminal cases, as well as about their procedure to the head of the working group.

-     to consult with the member of working group – the Head of Department of Investigation of General and Electoral Crimes, if necessary, in order to provide a joint practice in complicated issues or the ones that can give rise to different interpretations.

The head of working group was particularly tasked;

 -     to provide practical assistance to the bodies conducting pretrial proceeding and subdivisions of the Investigative Committee in consideration of reports on breaches of citizens’ electoral rights during elections and in the period following it, as well as in their solution.

-    starting from December 5, 2018 to submit a compact statement to the Chairman of the Investigative Committee on breaches of citizens’ electoral rights during campaign, voting and in the period following the election, as well as on the process and results of their consideration.

The Head of Division of Public Relations and Information of IC Administration was tasked to organize the operative coverage of the decisions made by the IC subdivisions and bodies conducting pretrial proceeding on breaches of citizens' electoral rights during elections and in the period following it providing their publicity and transparency. 

The working group will be coordinated by the Head of General Department of Control over Activity of Territorial Investigative Departments Artur Melikyan.

Control over implementation of this order was tasked to the Deputy Chairman of the Investigative Committee Arman Poghosyan.