03.03.16, 13:36

Extended Board Session in RA Investigative Committee; A. Hovsepyan gave specific instructions to raise efficiency of preliminary investigation of criminal cases

Extended Board Session in RA Investigative Committee; A. Hovsepyan gave specific instructions to raise efficiency of preliminary investigation of criminal cases

On March 2 extended session of the RA Investigative Committee Board was held during which the work implemented in 2015, recorded indicators, positive results and omissions were discussed. In the result of discussion the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Aghvan Hovsepyan gave specific instructions to raise the efficiency of preliminary investigation of criminal cases.

Deputies Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee A. Tamazyan, V. Harutyunyan, H. Grigoryan and A. Ghambaryan made speeches analyzing the work implemented according to coordination sector.

The investigators of the RA Investigative Committee were overloaded in 2015. According to statistical data received from the information center of the Police adjunct to the RA Government 21.955 criminal cases were investigated in the republic in 2015 by the investigatory bodies authorized to conduct preliminary investigation. Investigation of about 93 % of these criminal cases was conducted in the proceeding of the RA Investigative Committee, investigation of 7 % was conducted by investigatory services of Special Investigatory Service, the RA Ministry of Finance and National Security Service. The average workload of the investigator of the Investigative Committee was 66 criminal cases and materials.  For comparison it is stated that this number in Russia is 36, in Georgia – 5, in Belarus and Tajikistan – 45.

Analyzing the positive and negative changes recorded in crime dynamics the speakers stated that in 2015 reduction of crime by 503 cases has been registered, however crimes against human and property has increased in general, road accidents causing death remain very worrisome; in the result of road accidents 227 people died in 2015, 181 people – in 2014.  

In the reporting period the productivity (procedural end of criminal cases) of criminal cases investigated in IC proceeding was 85.1 percent compared with 84.7 percent in 2014. The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee highlighted the conduction of comprehensive and objective investigation of each criminal case, identification of persons having committed the apparent crime, as well as disclosure of motive, contributing circumstances and conditions.

Stating that according to the current legislation the main authority of the Investigative Committee is conduction of preliminary investigation A. Hovsepyan emphasized that the primary task of preliminary investigation must be crime disclosure. “Consistent steps are taken to improve working, logistic conditions of the employees of the Committee, a number of innovative programs have been introduced and mechanisms have been formed with interested bodies - Prosecution Office, operative-intelligence subdivisions to make the investigator’s work easier. We do our best to provide good conditions for you and the efficiency of your work will be your assessment and attitude towards it. Serious attitude will be shown to each undisclosed criminal case. For each undisclosed criminal case the investigator must present the steps he has taken to reveal it. The indicator of your work will be disclosure of crimes”, stated the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Aghvan Hovsepyan mentioning that the termination of criminal cases, based on the fact that the person who must be involved as a defendant is not known, will be observed as a negative indicator.

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee gave specific instructions to improve the quality of preliminary investigation, the deadlines of investigation emphasizing that the heads of investigative subdivisions will be responsible for omissions. “The heads of subdivisions are not only in charge of implementing procedural supervision but they also must support the investigators who are mainly young and do not have rich experience”, mentioned A. Hovsepyan emphasizing that the heads of subdivisions will be responsible for deadline violations, absence of investigatory plan or an incomplete one, not conducting investigatory actions for days by an investigator.

“Your instructions must be expressed in the investigatory plan and if there is an omission, it is the omission of the heads of the investigative subdivisions, as well. You confirm them by your signature, we will not be tolerant”, said Aghvan Hovsepyan to the heads of subdivisions.

Noting the work implemented to improve the logistic base he stated that taking the efficiency of experimental programs introduced in 2015 into consideration, in 2016 program of digitalization of criminal cases has been introduced in all the subdivisions of the Committee which will give an opportunity to considerably reduce the sums spent on copying procedural documents, the internal electronic document circulation system has also been operated.

Works of development of the program of “electronic preliminary investigation” started in 2015 in the result of which it is planned to have a rich informational base. Certain agreements have been made with 4 communication operators to get decryptions from the relevant communication operators during preliminary investigation of criminal cases on the base of court decisions and legal mechanisms to get them by e-mail were created, a memorandum on cooperation was signed.

Besides, agreements were achieved to introduce the system providing the availability of informational bases of state institutions which will allow to provide the online submission of inquiry and document circulation through electronic means which will contribute to saving time and means resulting in maintenance of deadlines of preliminary investigation.

The Investigative Committee cooperated very actively with international organizations, diplomatic representative offices to replenish the professional technical base of the Investigative Committee, to develop the investigators’ professional skills and the employees were actively involved and took part in several seminars, discussions and international conferences.