30.11.18, 05:21

Investigation of Criminal Cases on Electoral Crimes to be Conducted by Specialized Investigators

Investigation of Criminal Cases on Electoral Crimes to be Conducted by Specialized Investigators

The draft decision on amendments in the RA Government’s Decision N 522-Ա dated April 26, 2018 was confirmed at the RA Government session.

The adoption of the draft is aimed at creating a specialized subdivision engaged with investigation of electoral crimes in the structure of the Investigative Committee and is conditioned by peculiarities of investigation and qualification of crimes related to electoral procedures, as well as by necessity of matching the nomenclature and staff list of the Committee with legislative basis - provisions of RA Law “On the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia”.

By the adoption of draft decision the “Department of Investigation of General Crimes” of General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the Central Office of the Investigative Committee will be renamed “Department of Investigation of General and Electoral Crimes”.

Due to formation of the department the investigation of criminal cases on electoral crimes will be conducted by specialized investigators.