19.09.18, 09:58

Meeting at Investigative Committee

Meeting at Investigative Committee

At the RA Investigative Committee a meeting was held today with the Professor of the Department of General and Legal Psychology of Kaluga State University after K. E. Tsiolkovsky, Head of the Judicial Expertise and Criminal Science Research Center, Doctor, Professor of Psychological Sciences Vali Yengalichev.

Let us mention that Vali Yengalichev arrived in Armenia to take part in the conference “Current Issues and Perspectives of Development of Forensic Psychological Expertise and Complex Expertise Involving Psychologist”.

Investigators of the Investigative Committee were present at the roundtable discussion.

A wide range of issues related to forensic psychological expertise conducted within criminal cases was discussed, key issues of the sphere were raised, thoughts were exchanged.

At the end of the meeting Professor Vali Yengalichev gave the work titled «Methodology of Communicative Behavior Research with the Purpose of Revealing Psychological Signs of Distortion of Reported Information» to the library of the Investigative Committee and invited the investigators to take part in the master class «Analysis with Facial Action Coding System» conducted by psychiatrist-narcologist, psychotherapist, senior researcher of Scientific Research Laboratory of Analysis of «Right to Right» Behavior.