    11.12.17, 16:39

    Investigative Committee takes active measures to reduce conduction deadlines of forensic examinations (Photos)

    Investigative Committee takes active measures to reduce conduction deadlines of forensic examinations (Photos)

    On December 11 the ceremony of handing certificates to trained psychiatrists was held in the RA Investigative Committee who from now on will have an opportunity to conduct forensic psychiatric ambulatory examinations in regions.

    The event was chaired by the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Aghvan Hovsepyan. The RA Minister of Healthcare Levon Altunyan, Rector of Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi Armen Muradyan, Rector of Armenian State Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovyan Ruben Mirzakhanyan, specialists of the sphere and heads of structural and territorial subdivisions of the RA Investigative Committee took part in it.  
    By the instruction of the RA IC Chairman Aghvan Hovsepyan the issues arisen during efficient organization of preliminary investigation, the causes of delaying deadlines of preliminary investigation have been studied according to which they are mostly conditioned by late conduction of commissioned examinations. Pursuant to expert centers the delays of conclusions of several types of forensic examinations are often caused by overload whereas the rights of participants of proceeding are violated.


    «Delays of deadlines of preliminary investigation are directly related to human rights, they have negative influence on the quality and efficiency of preliminary investigation. The injured or the accused are not to blame that the expert centers are overloaded. Sometimes the investigative body cannot give an appropriate legal assessment, make a procedural decision for a long time because of not receiving the examination results and in these conditions participants of proceeding are deprived of implementing a number of procedural rights. The state spends considerable resources on conduction of forensic examinations however their delay threatens the right protection of participants of proceeding», said Aghvan Hovsepyan.

    Forensic psychological and forensic psychiatric ambulatory examinations are also among the ones which are delayed.

    Active measures have already been taken to raise the efficiency of organization of forensic psychological examinations.

    According to the agreement between the RA Investigative Committee and Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi and Armenian State Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovyan, on the base of the RA IC Chairman's orders N 51-Լ dated 20.09.2016 and N 30-Լ dated 01.03.2017 conduction of forensic psychological examinations has been tasked to psychologist-specialists of the above-mentioned organizations, as well which has greatly reduced the overload of expert centers operating in Yerevan.

    By the observation of the RA IC Deputy Chairman Artur Ghambaryan the deadlines of conduction of forensic psychiatric ambulatory examinations are still concerning. Pursuant to the writ received from the RA «National Bureau of Expertise» SNCO the research activities on the part of forensic psychological examinations of forensic psychological and forensic psychiatric complex examinations commissioned during 2016 and the first term of 2017 have been conducted, whereas it is not possible to complete the examinations and make conclusions because  the results and conclusions of forensic psychiatric researches have not been provided by interdepartmental ambulatory forensic psychiatric expert committee adjunct to the RA Ministry of Healthcare.  Experts' overload, staff shortage, as well as low salary were mentioned by the ambulatory forensic psychiatric committee as reasons for not conducting the researches or their delay.
    Relevant examinations have been conducted to take steps to correct the situation, to reduce the experts' overload, particularly to find out if it is possible to conduct forensic psychiatric examinations within criminal cases in «Syunik Regional Neurological Psychiatric Dispensary» and «Lori Regional Neuropsychiatric Dispensary of Lori». By A. Ghambaryan’s observation it was found out that forensic psychiatric examinations are not conducted in the above mentioned institutions because of absence of appropriate specialists. In order to give a solution to the problem, a discussion on possibility of conduction of forensic ambulatory examination in «Syunik Regional Neurological Psychiatric Dispensary» and «Lori Regional Neuropsychiatric Dispensary of Lori» was held in the Investigative Committee in which the representatives of the RA Ministry of Healthcare, Yerevan State Medical University, heads of psychiatric institutions of Syuniq and Lori took part.  

    As A. Ghambaryan mentioned, in the result of agreement achieved in the framework of discussion with the heads of the faculty of postgraduate and continuing education of Yerevan State Medical University training of psychiatrists of «Syunik Regional Neurological Psychiatric Dispensary» and «Lori Regional Neuropsychiatric Dispensary of Lori» in forensic psychiatry was organized in Yerevan State Medical University together with the Head of Stationary Forensic Psychiatric Examination Committee S. Tadevosyan adjunct to the RA Ministry of Healthcare. As a result, the psychiatrists of the above mentioned organizations the psychiatrists had a relevant training and passed the necessary examinations with success.

    Rector of Yerevan State Medical University Armen Muradyan today handed certificates to the trained specialists who will from now on conduct forensic psychiatric ambulatory examinations in regions. “I am sure that as a result positive indices will be recorded in the sphere of conduction of forensic psychiatric examinations – on the part of conduction deadlines reduction and quality of conclusions”, said A. Ghambaryan.

    By the orders of the RA IC Chairman Rector of Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi Armen Muradyan, Rector of Armenian State Pedagogical University Ruben Mirzakhanyan, Head of Stationary Forensic Psychiatric Examinations Committee Sedrak Tadevosyan were awarded a medal “Cooperation” for efficient cooperation with the RA Investigative Committee.