    10.11.21, 07:15

    Murder Attempt against Citizen of Slovak Republic; Criminal Case Sent to Court

    Murder Attempt against Citizen of Slovak Republic; Criminal Case Sent to Court

    Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on murder attempt committed by the resident of Armavir against the citizen of the Slovak Republic, Armenian by nationality, was completed in Armavir Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee.

    Pursuant to circumstances found out through investigation, on September 13, 2015 a call was received in Territorial Police Department of the city of Mikhalovtse of the Slovak Republic informing that 30 year-old man with cut-pierced injuries had been taken to hospital.

    In the result of necessary measures taken within the criminal case initiated on September 13, 2015 according to relevant articles of the Criminal Code of the Slovak Republic a number of circumstances of the case were found out, among them the scene, the person having caused injuries to 30 year-old man was identified; he is a RA citizen, 54 year-old resident of Armavir town.

    In May, 2016 international search had been declared against the latter by the law enforcement bodies of the Slovak Republic about which a relevant writ was sent to the Interpol National Central Bureau in the Republic of Armenia and in October, 2018 the mentioned criminal case had been accepted in the RA Investigative Committee for production. During preliminary investigation conducted in Armavir Regional Investigative Department decisions were made to change the charge pressed against the resident of Armavir to match his committal with the RA Criminal Code, to involve him as a defendant and to declare search against him.

    In the result of necessary investigative actions conducted by the employees of the RA Investigative Committee, operative-intelligence and operative-searching measures taken by the employees of the RA Police on January 27, 2019 the resident of Armavir was found and presented to the investigative body.

    In the result of measures taken during pretrial proceeding it was found out that the resident of Armavir, for the purpose of illegal deprivation of 30 year-old man’s life, on September 12, 2015 chased and at about 23:40 stopped the injured man’s car in Konechna Street of the city of Mikhalovtse of the Slovak Republic. When the latter got out of the car, he willfully stabbed him on the chest causing heavy bodily injuries threatening to life. However, under unforeseen circumstances he could not complete the crime.

    On the base of the obtained sufficient evidence charge was pressed against the resident of Armavir according to the Part 1 of the Article 34-104 of RA Criminal Code.

    Preliminary investigation was completed and the criminal case with the bill of indictment was sent to court.

    Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.