14.08.18, 12:20

Murder Committed in 1990 disclosed

Murder Committed in 1990 disclosed

In the framework of the criminal case investigated in Ararat Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee murder committed in 1990 was disclosed.

On October 31, 1990 the body of leading constructor of Physics Institute of Yerevan was found in the bushes on the slope in front of the monastery called “Geghard” in Kotayk province. Through external inspection of the body it was found out that there was a hole caused by the ball fired from a firearm and one more hole was on the back.

The ball removed from the victim’s body was of 8.2 mm and was fired from a hunting gun of «40-8,2» model.

On November 1, 1990 a criminal case was initiated in Artashat Interregional Prosecutor’s Office. Within the criminal case a number of investigatory actions were conducted. However, as the person to be involved as a defendant was not known, on February 2, 1991 the proceeding of the criminal case was suspended.

On August 1, 2018 the proceeding of the suspended criminal case restarted based on the operative information received. In the result of investigatory and other procedural actions conducted the circumstances of sustaining firearm bodily injuries incompatible with life by the victim were found out.

Thus, through preliminary investigation actual data were obtained on the allegation that on the day of the incident two friends went hunting in the mountains over the monastery called “Geghard” in Kotayk province. After hearing voices from the bushes one of them fired two shots in that direction thinking it was a bear. After it a voice was heard and he understood that he had fired towards a man. He immediately went up to that part with his friend and saw that the ball had shot a man they did not know. They left that place in fear leaving the body in the place.

The person having committed the alleged crime was identified.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.