12.02.18, 14:43

Personnel changes by order of RA IC Chairman Aghvan Hovsepyan

Personnel changes by order of RA IC Chairman Aghvan Hovsepyan

By the order of the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Aghvan Hovsepyan dated 12.02.2018 Deputy Head of the Investigative Division of Arabkir administrative district of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee, Lieutenant Colonel of Justice Vahe Lachinyan was dismissed from the post being appointed investigator of particularly important cases of Yerevan Investigative Department.

By another order of the IC Chairman signed on the same day Lieutenant Colonel of Justice Nersik Mkhitaryan was appointed Deputy Head of Arabkir Investigative Division of Yerevan Investigative Department being dismissed from the post of investigator of particularly important cases.

By the order of IC Chairman dated 08.02.2018 Deputy Chairman of Ararat Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee, Lieutenant Colonel of Justice Artak Stepanyan was dismissed from the post.