30.08.18, 13:19

RA IC Chairman Hayk Grigoryan Left for Ararat on Working Visit (Photos)

RA IC Chairman Hayk Grigoryan Left for Ararat on Working Visit (Photos)

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan left for Ararat on working visit and presented the newly appointed head Ambakum Grigoryan to the employees of the regional investigative department.

“Ambakum Grigoryan is a person of strong will who has great experience, professional skills. I am sure he will be able to raise the work of the regional investigative department to a new level of quality», said Hayk Grigoryan.

The IC Chairman emphasized that sending professional staff to provinces is aimed to improve the work of regional investigative departments – the quality and efficiency of investigation.   

«I realize the load of work and responsibility. The leadership of the Investigative Committee tries to take every possible step to improve the investigators' working conditions, moral-psychological atmosphere as well as to solve social issues and we expect a similar caring attitude from the employees. The basis of justice is the conduction of objective preliminary investigation, confidence building towards the work of law enforcement bodies greatly depends on investigators' work. Wrong assessment of committal, breaches of procedural norms are just impermissible. We serve our people and it should not be merely a word but it should be work. In each case the citizen should feel that no criminal will remain unpunished, the assessments of committals shall be correct, the liability – inevitable», mentioned Hayk Grigoryan and attached special importance to conscientious communication, cooperation with citizens.

«In everyday work we deal with particularly vulnerable groups – persons affected by crime or suspected of committing a crime whose rights and duties are clearly fixed by legislation. We are just obliged to be consistent to maintain procedural norms during investigation of each criminal case. Any seemingly insignificant breach can devalue and shadow the work done by you and we just do not have the right to such «luxury». No obtained evidence shall be vulnerable», emphasized the RA IC Chairman.

Hayk Grigoryan stated that one of the important preconditions of work efficiency is the healthy moral-psychological atmosphere of the staff and expressed confidence that the newly appointed head will manage to bring everybody all together and dishonest employees will be dismissed.