23.07.20, 07:40

Preliminary Investigation of Part on one Defendant H. Grigoryan within Criminal Case Initiated on Willful Infliction of Heavy Bodily Damage to A. Mkhitaryan’s Health by a Group of People Completed and Sent to Court

Preliminary Investigation of Part on one Defendant H. Grigoryan within Criminal Case Initiated on Willful Infliction of Heavy Bodily Damage to A. Mkhitaryan’s Health by a Group of People Completed and Sent to Court

In the result of investigatory and other procedural actions conducted during pretrial proceeding circumstances, the motive of willful infliction of heavy bodily damage to A. Mkhitaryan’s health were found out.  

Through investigation data were obtained on the allegation that on the day of the incident – on 17 September, 2019 at about 22:30 an argument started between A. Mkhitaryan and the resident of Yeghegnadzor town H. Grigoryan because of a minor issue during which they pushed and scolded each other.

While A. Mkhitaryan’s friends were trying to stop the argument, H. Grigoryan phoned his friends and brother Z. Grigoryan and telling them about what had happened called them to the yard of the mentioned house. After a while the latters arrived in the yard of the mentioned house in several cars where H. Grigoryan unexpectedly approached A. Mkhitaryan standing alone and quietly and willfully punched him on the face. As a result, the latter fell to the ground after which H. Grigoryan, his brother and a group of unidentified people, for the purpose of causing heavy bodily damage to A. Mkhitaryan’s health, hit him lying on the ground on his head with feet and an unknown item for numerous times causing heavy bodily damage threatening to health. During the incident one of A. Mkhitaryan’s friends, who had bent over his friend trying to protect him, was also beaten.

After the incident A. Mkhitaryan was operated on and is still unconscious.

On the base of the obtained sufficient evidence charge was pressed against H. Grigoryan according to the Point 6 of the Part 2 of the Article 112 (willful infliction of heavy bodily damage) and the Article 118 (battery) of RA Criminal Code. Detention was chosen as a pretrial measure against him.

The part on the latter was separated in a separate proceeding and with the bill of indictment was sent to court.

The part on unidentified people as well as Z. Grigoryan was separated in a separate proceeding preliminary investigation of which is ongoing.

It was earlier informed that charge was pressed against H. Grigoryan’s brother – Z. Grigoryan according to the Point 6 of the Part 2 of the Article 112 (willful infliction of heavy bodily damage) of RA Criminal Code.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.