13.05.21, 12:00

Preliminary Investigation on one more Defendant within Criminal case on Illegal Deprivation of Freedom, Causing Strong Physical Pain, Strong Mental Sufferance, Arrogation, Extortion Committed against Director of “Harsnaqar” Completed

Preliminary Investigation on one more Defendant within Criminal case on Illegal Deprivation of Freedom, Causing Strong Physical Pain, Strong Mental Sufferance, Arrogation, Extortion Committed against Director of “Harsnaqar” Completed

Preliminary investigation of the part on one more defendant within the criminal case initiated on apparent arrogation, illegal deprivation of freedom, causing strong physical pain, strong mental sufferance as well as extortion committed by Ruben Hayrapetyan, his son and the latter's friends against the head of the executive body of «Harsnaqar» restaurant-hotel complex was completed in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee.

It was earlier informed that 30 year-old resident of Yerevan working in “Harsnaqar” restaurant-complex of “Noralusin” LLC owned by Ruben Hayrapetyan’s family as the head of the executive body from August, 2015,  from January 20  to May 27, 2016 received a loan of 57.500.000 AMD in total through three loan agreements from “Armenian Development Bank” OJSC owned by the Hayrapetyans. A part of the amount - 18.470.000 AMD was spent to provide the natural activity of the LLC by direct transfers from the bank account, 39.030.000 AMD was cashed by him 20.000.000 AMD of which was used by him for his own business – to found a taxi service without informing the owners of the complex about it. The rest of the amount was spent to cover the expenses of “Noralusin” LLC.

Father and son Hayrapetyans learning about what had happened intended to pay the mentioned loans through the director of the company and his family, to force them also to pay the money spent on the LLC owned by them in order to gain profit in this way involving the friends of junior Hayrapetyan.   

Being instructed to receive the amount of 57.500.000 AMD from the LLC director, for the purpose of receiving it through arrogation, with prior agreement, from July 26, 2016 the latters illegally deprived the director of freedom and kept in one of the cottages and in several rooms of “Harsnaqar” restaurant complex, then for a long time periodically using violence not dangerous for health as well as threatening to use violence dangerous for health, periodically causing strong physical pain and mental sufferance they forced him and his family to return the mentioned amount.   

As a result, 240.000 AMD and 38.300 USD tantamount to 18.236.546 AMD in cash, the house owned by the director’s grandmother, the cars of the taxi service owned by his family as well as goods of 4 253 450 AMD, in total, among them golden jewelry, two cars were given to the Hayrapetyans.

On the base of the obtained sufficient evidence charge was pressed against one more person – 36 year-old resident of Yerevan for arrogation, illegal deprivation of freedom, periodically causing strong physical pain and strong mental sufferance.

The part on him was separated in a separate proceeding preliminary investigation was completed and the criminal case with the bill of indictment was sent to prosecutor supervising the legality of preliminary investigation.

Preliminary investigation on Ruben Hayrapetyan who is under prosecution, one of his son’s friends and not identified people is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.