21.05.20, 14:35

Ruben Hayrapetyan, his Son and Latter’s Friends Illegally Deprive Head of Executive Body of “Harsnaqar” Restaurant-Hotel Complex of Freedom for Long Time by Using Violence then Deprive him of Property

Ruben Hayrapetyan, his Son and Latter’s Friends Illegally Deprive Head of Executive Body of “Harsnaqar” Restaurant-Hotel Complex of Freedom for Long Time by Using Violence then Deprive him of Property

In the result of investigatory and other procedural actions of great volume conducted in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee as well as operative-intelligence measures taken by the officers of General Department of Criminal Police of the RA Police a number of circumstances of arrogation, illegal deprivation of freedom committed by Ruben Hayrapetyan, his son and the latter's friends against the head of the executive body of «Harsnaqar» restaurant-hotel complex, which belongs to Ruben Hayrapetyan's family, were found out. 

Pursuant to data obtained through investigation, H. Sh. had been working in “Harsnaqar” restaurant-complex which belonged to Ruben Hayrapetyan’s family as the head of the executive body since August 27, 2015. From December, 2015 to July, 2016 H. Sh. received loan of 52.000.000 AMD, in total, from “Armenian Bank” OJSC which belonged to the Hayraoetyans. He used a part of it to provide natural activity of the restaurant-hotel complex and the rest – 30.000.000 AMD – to establish his own business - taxi service without informing the owners of the complex about it, at the same time he fulfilled credit obligations properly. 

Ruben Hayrapetyan and his son Rafik Hayrapetyan learning that H. Sh. had received the mentioned loans in the name of «Noralusin» LLC, organized and with prior agreement with a group of people, for the purpose of receiving 52.000.000 AMD, from July 26, 2016 deprived H. Sh. of freedom against his will, kept him in a cottage and several rooms of «Harsnaqar» restaurant-hotel complex and took his mobile phone depriving him of opportunity to make phone calls without their permission, using violence not dangerous for his life and threatening to use violence dangerous for life and health, causing strong physical pain and mental suffering, periodically, for a long time – until August 16, 2016 hit him on different parts of his body with blackjacks, hands and feet.  In the meantime – on July 26, 2016 Rafik Hayrapetyan in his car took H. Sh. to the yard of their house located in Babajanyan Street of Yerevan where his father Ruben Hayrapetyan scolding H. Sh. demanded that he should pay 120.000 USD after which on the same day H. Sh. was taken back to the area of «Harsnaqar» in Sevan. Next day Ruben Hayrapetyan went to the area of «Harsnaqar» complex and instructed to bring H. Sh. to him – to the director's room where scolding H. Sh. in his son's presence, hit him with electric shock on his face again demanding 120.000 USD. In the result of violent action committed by Ruben Hayrapetyan and others H. Sh. was caused strong mental suffering, as well as strong physical pain during which bodily injuries not containing elements of light damage was willfully caused to H. Sh.’s health.

In order to prevent H. Sh.’s escape Ruben Hayrapetyan together with Rafik Hayrapetyan instructed the group members to take turns guarding him at the area of the complex in the mentioned period. In the meantime on August 13, 2016 under the control of group members he was taken to Registration and Investigation Division of the RA Police to carry out the sale and purchase of cars registered in his name, as well as to receive loans from loan organizations. In the mentioned period they also forced him to clean the area of the complex in the presence of other employees thus aiming to humiliate him.

Ruben Hayrapetyan together with his accomplices, causing strong physical pain and strong mental suffering by their above-mentioned actions, forced H. Sh. to phone and to call his family members to “Harsnaqar” restaurant-hotel complex giving him his mobile phone. On July 26 and on following days the latter's mother, sister, grandmother, friends and girl-friend came to «Harsnaqar» restaurant-hotel complex and in their presence threatening to use violence dangerous for life and health Rafik Hayrapetyan with his accomplices demanded 120.000 USD tantamount to 57.138.000 AMD from H. Sh.'s family members and friends.

Considering the threats real H. Sh. gave the Hayrapetyans his golden chain worth 500 USD tantamount to 238.075 AMD, the car of «Nissan X Trail» make worth 3.000 USD tantamount to 1.428.450 AMD, which the Hayraetyans sold for the mentioned price, the car of «Nissan Muran» make bought for 2.000 USD tantamount to 952.300 AMD which Rafik Hayrapetyan returned to the former owner of the car and took back 2.000 USD given as prepayment withdrawing from the required amount. H. Sh.’s family members sold their golden jewelry, cars of taxi service, the friend gave 10.000 USD, and 38.300 USD tantamount to 18.236.545 AMD and 240.000 AMD personally, as well as mediated were given to the Hayrapetyans. Besides, H. Sh.'s girl-friend gave them the TV set and golden jewelry of 450.000 AMD presented to her by H. Sh.. In the meantime Ruben and Rafik Hayrapetyans demanded that they should give them the house of H. Sh.’s grandmother which was an illegally constructed one. After receiving a part of the money and on August 15, 2016 terminating H. Sh.’s authorities as a director the latter was released on August 18, 2016. His family members, through Hayrapetyans’ mediation, organized the legalization process of their house and on October 18, 2016 the Hayrapetyans registered the house in the name of their close person thus depriving H. Sh. and his family members of their only shelter and causing significant damage to their rights and legal interests.

On the base of the obtained sufficient evidence decisions were made to involve Ruben Hayrapetyan and Rafik Hayrapetyan as defendants according to the Points 3, 5 of the Part 2 of the Article 119, the Points 1, 2 and 7 of the Part 2 of the Article 133 and the Part 2 of the Article 322 of RA Criminal Code, the other 4 disclosed members of the group – according to the Point 5 of the Part 2 of the Article 119, the Points 1, 2, 7 of the Part 2 of the Article 133 and the Part 2 of the Article 322 of RA Criminal Code.

Search was declared against Rafik Hayrapetyan and 2 members of the group and motions to choose detention as a pretrial measure against them were submitted to the Court of First Instance of Yerevan.

It should be informed that on May 19, 2020 Ruben Hayrapetyan called the investigator and told that he was aware of being invited to the Investigative Committee but he was in Moscow – the capital of the Russian Federation, he wanted to return but he could not due to the measures taken to prevent COVID-19, especially the lack of air communication.

On May 20, 2020 the RA Investigative Committee applied to the RA Embassy in the Russian Federation and asked to help R. Hayrapetyan return to Armenia. It was found out that on May 25, 2020 Moscow-Yerevan flight was planned and the Ambassador expressed willingness to help and organize R. Hayrapetyan’s flights in case the latter applied to him.

The investigator informed about all this to R. Hayrapetyan as well as his advocate Amram Makinyan.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.