29.11.18, 10:04

Shots in Gegharkunik; Person Having Committed Alleged Crime Identified

Shots in Gegharkunik; Person Having Committed Alleged Crime Identified

Investigation is conducted in Gegharkunik Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee to find out circumstances of illegal carrying of weapon and willful infliction of bodily injury of medium gravity.

On November 28, 2018 at about 15:00 on Sevan-Martuni road at the area of Dzoragyugh community of Gegharkunik province noticing a damaged car the road police officers of Martuni Division of the Police stopped it after which the driver of the mentioned car – the resident of Gegharkunik province, born in 1985, got out of the car and taking with him a pistol of “Volter” model threw it in the forest and fled. The passenger of the car who is also a resident of Gegharkunik province was apprehended to the police station.

Inspection of the scene with the latter’s participation was conducted. The pistol of “Volter” model and 3 bullets were found. The car of “Mercedes” make was also found with a wooden blackjack on its back seat which was confiscated.

A criminal case was initiated in the RA IC Martuni Investigative Division according to the Part 1 of the Article 235 of RA Criminal Code. Forensic medical, finger print and genetic examinations were commissioned.

About two hours after the incident a call was received in Gavar Division of the Police from “Izmirlyan” medical center informing that two citizens with a diagnosis of “firearm injury on the left thigh, firearm fracture of left thigh bone ankle and transit firearm injury of the middle third of the thigh” were taken to medical center. It was found out that those having sustained firearm injury are brothers; they are residents of Gegharkunik province, born in 1984 and 1988.

A criminal case was initiated in the RA IC Gegharkunik Regional Investigative Department according to the Part 2 of the Article 113 and the Part 1 of the Article 235 of RA Criminal Code.

In the result of urgent investigatory actions it was found out that bodily injuries had been caused to the brothers by shots fired during the quarrel in Noratus village of Gegharkunik province. The brothers were found the injured party.

In the result of joint actions conducted by the investigators of the RA IC Gegharkunik Regional Investigative Department the person who had caused firearm injury to the brothers was identified; he is a resident of Gegharkunik province, born in 1985, who had fled.

Urgent investigatory actions are conducted, operative-searching measures are taken within the criminal cases to find out all circumstances, as well as the man, born in 1985.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.