14.11.22, 08:21

44 year-old Resident of Nor Nork Arrested within Criminal Proceeding Initiated on Firing Shots in same District

44 year-old Resident of Nor Nork Arrested within Criminal Proceeding Initiated on Firing Shots in same District

Within the framework of the criminal proceeding initiated in the Investigative Division of Avan and Nor Nork administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee according to the Part 3 of the Article 297 of RA Criminal Code investigative and procedural actions are conducted to find out circumstances of firing shots in the yard of one of the houses in the 7th massive of Nor Nork.

On November 13, 2022 at 16:14 a call was received informing that an unknown person was firing shots and scolding at the mentioned place. 

In the result of necessary measures the person having committed the alleged crime was identified; he is 44 year-old resident of the same district.

Through inspection of the scene conducted during preliminary investigation 31 capsules and 2 bullets were found. Through personal search of 44 year-old man 24 bullets with a note S & B 7,62*25 were found. The latter’s wife presented pistols of “COLT” model, similar to “Makarov” model, as well as with a note “INFORCE”, a rifle of “ВЕПРЬ-КМ” model, 66 bullets of 9mm caliber, 1 capsule, 2 bullet boxes to the investigative body. A number of persons were questioned, relevant forensic expertise were commissioned.

44 year-old man was arrested on the base of reasonable suspicion on crime committal.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.