12.09.18, 05:12

Shots near «Hrazdan» Stadium

Shots near «Hrazdan» Stadium

A criminal case was initiated in the Investigative Division of Malatia-Sebastia administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee according to the Part 1 of the Article 112 of RA Criminal Code.

On September 9, 2018 at 15:35 a call was received from Operation Control Center of Yerevan City Department of the RA Police informing that a citizen called them and told that there were shots near «Hrazdan» stadium.

On the same day at 16:35 a call was received from «University Medical Center N 1» informing that a citizen, born in 1992, with «lacerated-pierced wound on the right part of the abdomen» was taken to medical center.

At the scene the operative group found out that the citizen had sustained the injury during the argument that took place near «Hrazdan» stadium. Through inspection of the scene a capsule, 2 bullets and bloodlike traces were found.

Forensic medical examinations were commissioned.

On September 9, 2018 a criminal case was initiated according to the Part 1 of the Article 112 of RA Criminal Code.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.