    09.10.23, 18:10

    The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Argishti Kyaramyan’s Speech at the Expanded Board Session dedicated to the 9th Anniversary of the RA Investigative Committee (video)

    On October 9 the expanded board session dedicated to the 9th anniversary of the RA Investigative Committee and the Day of the Employee of the RA Investigative Committee was held.

    During the session the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Argishti Kyaramyan made a speech in which it is particularly mentioned;

    “Honorable Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia,
    Dear employees of the Investigative Committee,

    I warmly congratulate all of us on the 9th anniversary of the establishment of the RA Investigative Committee and the Day of the Employee of the RA Investigative Committee.

    The investigative committee continues carrying on its shoulders the heavy and responsible mission of conducting preliminary investigation within the majority of criminal proceedings initiated on cases of criminal offenses.

    In the preceding period the subdivisions of the Committee conducting pretrial proceeding continued working under overloaded conditions. The majority of the 150.000 proceedings, or about 98%, investigated by the investigative bodies empowered to conduct preliminary investigation in the Republic, was conducted by the appropriate subdivisions of the Committee. Along with that, it should be noted that in the first term of 2023, the work of the Committee significantly differed in volume from the one in previous years, which is due to the implementation of the new criminal procedure code.

    Different subdivisions of the Committee, especially the subdivisions of General Military Investigative Department are still investigating the cases on aggressive acts committed by the military-political leadership of Azerbaijan towards Syunik and Gegharkunik regions on May 12, 2021, Ishkhanasar and Jermuk between November 14 and 16, 2021, Jermuk, Sotq, Vardenis, Goris, Kapan, Artanish, Ishkhanasar and other settlements between September 13 and 15, 2022, targeting the civilian population in systematic, deliberate and targeted attacks, invading and occupying the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia. Through investigation it was grounded that only during the September aggression, the enemy hit more than 150 civilian objects, among them residential houses, schools, transport means, civil infrastructures, etc.

    Within the framework of the criminal proceedings large-scale investigative and procedural actions were conducted, among them more than 100 scenes were inspected, over 4000 witnesses and victims were questioned, more than 500 expertises were commissioned.

    Cases of crimes against the order of military service during acts of aggression were also investigated. Particularly, circumstances of violation of the rules of military duty by high-ranking protection officers, army corps commander and military unit commander at the direction of Gegharkunik region on May 12, 2021 were found out. As a result of this the enemy penetrated unhindered, up to 3.5 km deep, into the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia. Charge was pressed against high-ranking officers with the ranks of major general and colonel and detention was used as a pretrial measure against them. The criminal proceeding with the bill of indictment was sent to court.

    Besides, the circumstances of violation of the rules of military duty by army corps commander and military unit commander, other officers at the direction of Ishkhanasar mountain on November 14, 2021, as well as improper organization and implementation of military duty by the staff of three combat positions at the same direction on November 16, were found out, as a result of which 21 servicemen were captured, 3 servicemen were killed by the enemy. 

    Public criminal prosecution was initiated against army corps commander, military unit commander, 10 servicemen in total, holding a position of a battalion, troop, platoon, squad commander for committing the mentioned committals. The criminal proceedings with the bill of indictment were sent to court.

    The separate actions of the servicemen of the RA Armed Forces during the act of aggression in September, 2022 were also made a subject of investigation and 27 criminal proceedings were initiated with regard to them. Within the framework of the mentioned proceedings charge was pressed against 17 servicemen, detention was used as a pretrial measure against 6 of them. 5 out of the criminal proceedings with the bill of indictment were sent to court, preliminary investigation of the rest of the proceedings is ongoing.

    I would like to specifically refer to the circumstance that within the framework of the criminal proceedings investigated on a number of crimes against peace and human security committed by the military-political leadership of Azerbaijan, all possible circumstances on missing persons were also made a subject of investigation. Separate references describing the circumstances of the disappearance were compiled which were submitted to the interdepartmental commission engaged in affairs on captives, hostages and missing persons. The results of the investigation conducted on war crimes, among them the evidence obtained on missing persons, were periodically submitted to the Office of the Representative for International Legal Affairs, the Interdepartmental Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other competent departments, as well as individual human rights defenders.

    In the short time allotted for the speech, it is not possible to present the statistical indicators of the work performed by the Committee's subdivisions in all directions. Perhaps by way of exception, in the context of establishing legality and strengthening the legal system in the country, I will refer to the main results of preliminary investigation conducted within the proceedings initiated on criminal organizations, persons bearing criminal subculture and criminal violations committed with their participation, illegal turnover of narcotic drugs. Between 2022 and 2023 41 criminal proceedings were initiated and investigated on persons bearing criminal subculture and criminal violations committed with their participation, 14 of which with the bill of indictment were sent to court, one of them was terminated, preliminary investigation of the other 26 is ongoing.  At the same period 4029 criminal proceedings on illegal turnover of narcotic drugs were investigated, charge was pressed against 1063 persons, detention was chosen as a pretrial measure against 287 persons. The market value of narcotic drugs discovered and removed from circulation within the proceedings investigated in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases alone exceeded 400 million AMD and the amount of possible financial resources obtained as a result of illegal turnover of narcotic drugs exceeded 3 billion AMD. 49 store-platforms registered on social network were disclosed in only one of which 65 telegram channels were engaged in sale of narcotic drugs. The number of followers of the store-platforms and telegram channels within the mentioned proceedings exceeded 50.000 in the Republic of Armenia. 6 rooms equipped with laboratory conditions were found where narcotic drugs were prepared and supplied to the platforms.

    Let me mention that as of October 1 of this year, about 24 billion AMD of the damage caused within the criminal proceedings investigated in the Investigative Committee was recovered, over 23 billion of which is the part of the damage caused to the state and communities. The work done by the newly created department in the structure of the Committee, the General Department of Investigation of Smuggling and Economic Crimes is of great significance in the process of the recovery of the damage caused to the state. In the field of economic crimes during 8 months of this year the general department recorded an unprecedented high indicator of 19 billion AMD in recovery of the damage caused to the state. The general department recorded positive results also in the increase of the number of completed criminal proceedings.  I am sure that the newly created subdivision will continue taking active measures to enhance the effectiveness of the fight against crime in the sphere entrusted to them and to improve the work of recovery of the pecuniary damage caused to the state.

    I also find it remarkable to refer to the criminal proceedings regarding the car importation process in the Republic of Armenia. In the result of the principal work done by the Investigative Committee and the State Revenue Committee of the Republic of Armenia criminal proceedings were initiated on committing alleged crime by 135 business owners engaged in car importation and sale. Starting from January 1 to this day, within the mentioned proceedings pecuniary damage of 8.5 billion AMD in total caused to the state was recovered, about 7.5 billion AMD of which was deducted from the VAT debit, about 756 million AMD was additionally paid to the state budget for VAT, profit tax and income tax and 163 million AMD was paid to the deposit account of the RA Investigative Committee. It should be noted that besides the recovery of the caused damage, in the result of investigation a decrease in profit tax loss of about 6 billion AMD was recorded for entities engaged in the above-mentioned activities. I think that this work done together has had a significant positive effect on the sphere of car importation and sale.

    I would like to briefly touch on the cases of recent mass disorder in the city of Yerevan, as well, and note that the Investigative Committee has fulfilled and will fulfill its mission in ensuring public safety and order.

    Taking the opportunity, let me thank our partner structures of the law enforcement system, our colleagues and friends in the Police, National Security Service and Prosecutor’s Office for the efficient work carried out together.

    Dear colleagues,

    The successes recorded by the committee are the result of the tireless work of the professional officers who form the backbone of the system. That is why the correct selection of the personnel potential of the Committee, professional training, continuous improvement of practical skills and consistent increase of theoretical knowledge remain the most important directions of our work with personnel.

    Pursuing the goal of solving that problem the Committee's Qualification Commission has set a consistently high bar from the start and continues to maintain it. Starting from October, last year, in the result of more than 7 dozen meetings of the Qualification Commission, 311 persons holding autonomous positions in the Committee have passed qualification examination within the framework of regular certification. In the current year, large-scale work was done to fill the vacant positions of the Committee. As a result, 125 persons were appointed to serve in the Committee. Besides, 90 of 130 investigators moved to the Committee from the inquest bodies, in the result of qualification examination, were involved in the candidate list of investigators and were appointed to the appropriate positions.  

    In the process of implementing the personnel policy, we have also been consistent in the treatment of investigators who regularly fail in the performance of their duties, show negligent attitude towards them, and tarnish the honor and good reputation of the system. This year disciplinary measures were applied against 99 investigators of the system based on disciplinary violations committed by them, among them 11 investigators were dismissed of the position. There are incomparably more cases when the employees, who could not adapt to the strict approaches, voluntarily left our ranks. We will continue to show maximum intolerance towards the employees who have problems with discipline and professional behavior aiming at keeping the system free from opportunistic persons who do not appreciate the value of the position they hold and show an irresponsible attitude towards official duties.

    Dignified employees of the Investigative Committee,

    Very recently, your conscientious and hard work was given a worthy evaluation by the law adopted by the National Assembly at the initiative of the RA government by virtue of which, starting from July 1 of the current year, the wages of the Committee's employees increased significantly. This long-awaited event is an important step towards maintaining the healthy human resources potential of the system, preventing the leakage of professional personnel and replenishing the system with new deserving professionals. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I would like to thank the Government and You personally, Honorable Prime Minister, for the unprecedented initiative shown in the appreciation of the work of the Committee's employees which, I am sure, will further increase the attractiveness of service at the Investigative Committee.

    Referring to the work carried out to continuously improve the working conditions of the subdivisions of the Committee I consider it necessary to underline that maximum efforts have been made at that direction this year. I am happy to state that the Sixth Garrison Investigative Unit of General Military Investigative Department, Stepanavan Division of Lori Regional Investigative Department and the Investigative Division of Ajapnyak and Davtashen administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department of the Committee will continue their activity in the new buildings renovated through means of the state budget. The renovation of the new administrative building assigned to the Investigative Committee at 43 Khanjyan, Yerevan will be completed before the end of the year. Besides, measures are taken to acquire a new administrative building for the Committee as a result of which the working conditions of the investigators of the departments at the central office will be significantly improved.

    Among the significant works done, I would like to emphasize that the current year was full of programs aimed at the continuous modernization of the work of the Committee and ensuring the innovations planned as a result of legislative reforms; the necessary technical means for investigative actions subject to mandatory video recording established by the RA new Criminal Procedure Code were successfully implemented, cameras, related accessories and information technology required in the initial phase to transition to electronic investigation.

    I am sure that this component, which is considered to be a manifestation of the effectiveness of the state policy implemented in our country, which has chosen the path of stable democracy, will soon have its visible fruits and we will have completely different positive indicators in the field of preliminary investigation.

    Concluding my speech, I would like to once again congratulate all of us on the occasion of the Day of the Employee of the Committee, thank all the employees of the system for their dedication, endurance and overcoming official difficulties. I wish you good health, new successes and may God protect us and our sovereign state”.