10.10.22, 11:27

Congratulation of the Director of the “RA Expertise Center” SNPO on the Occasion of the Day of the Employee of the RA Investigative Committee

Congratulation of the Director of the “RA Expertise Center” SNPO on the Occasion of the Day of the Employee of the RA Investigative Committee

Dear Mr. Argishti Kyaramyan,

On behalf of the “Expertise Center of the Republic of Armenia” SNPO and myself I warmly congratulate You on the occasion of the professional holiday.

During Your professional activity you provide an important function to disclose a crime doing an important and responsible work at the stage of the preliminary investigation. The quality of the investigation circle of the justice of the Republic of Armenia and the protection of the charge in the judicial bodies depend on your law-abiding, impartial actions.

Your professionalism, pure enforcement of the law and the desire to work tirelessly will always help the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia to solve the problems it is facing successfully which are constantly directed to the protection of the statehood and legal system, the citizens’ rights and freedoms.

Once more I congratulate all the employees of the system on the occasion of the professional holiday. I wish you peace, endurance and new professional successes in this too responsible and at the same time interesting work.

Director of the “Expertise Center of the Republic of Armenia” SNPO

D. Ghulyan