11.10.22, 06:12

Congratulation of the Chief Compulsory Enforcement Officer of the Occasion of the Day of the Employee of the RA Investigative Committee

Congratulation of the Chief Compulsory Enforcement Officer of the Occasion of the Day of the Employee of the RA Investigative Committee

Dear Mr. Kyaramyan,

On behalf of the Compulsory Enforcement Service and me I congratulate You and the staff of the Investigative Committee on the occasion of the professional holiday of the employee of the Investigative Committee.

Carrying out a responsible service the structure headed by You has its important role in the establishment and strengthening of legal system in the Republic of Armenia, protection of legal rights and interests of the citizens in the pretrial proceeding, efficient fight against crime and corruption.

I am sure that due to your consistent work, dedication and hard work of the employees of the Investigative Committee you will be able to implement the powers reserved by the Constitution to Your structure to establish legality in our country, to protect the legal interests of the state and public.

Congratulating on the professional holiday once again I wish You and all the employees of the Investigative Committee peace, wellbeing, trouble-free service for the sake of the Republic of Armenia.

Chief Compulsory Enforcement Officer
A, Meghryan