16.10.17, 14:40

Three persons arrested on suspicion of capturing money in particularly large amount, supporting

Three persons arrested on suspicion of capturing money in particularly large amount, supporting

In the result of investigatory, operative-searching measures taken in the framework of the criminal case investigated in the Investigative Division of Kentron and Norq-Marash administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee circumstances of capturing money committed in a branch of “Converse Bank” CJSC are found.

On the morning of October 9, 2017 a call was received informing that money in particularly large amount was captured from «Sayat-Nova» branch of «Converse Bank» CJSC operating in Sayat-Nova Avenue.

Pursuant to initial data, on October 9 at about 11:00 the person having committed the alleged crime demanded and captured money in particularly large amount by threatening the branch manager to use violence dangerous for the latter's life that is to explode the branch. Pursuant to initial calculations, cash money tantamount to about 95.750.000 AMD in several currencies was captured.  

Through investigation it was found that before the incident a young man went to the mentioned branch of the bank and told the manager about his intention to exchange 60.000 Euro to USD and achieved a prior agreement. On October 9 another young man went to the bank manager under the pretext of making a deal and submitted a written threat to explode the bank if he did not give him the money available in the safe. Then he captured the money in particularly large amount and escaped.

In the result of taken measures actual data were obtained on the way of the escape from the site, the identification of 4 persons related to the assault. Three persons were arrested; one of them was arrested on suspicion of committing assault with the purpose of capturing money in particularly large amount, procuring narcotic drugs without purpose of sale, two of them were arrested on suspicion of supporting assault with the purpose of capturing money in particularly large amount. Operative-searching measures are taken to find the fourth person who is suspected of capturing the money from the bank.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing, active investigatory actions are conducted to provide the comprehensive, objective and complete investigation of the case, to find other persons possibly involved in the assault.  

Other information shall not be published at this stage out of interests of investigation.   

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.