Working Meeting of Chairmen of Investigative Committees of Armenia, Belarus and Russia Held (photos)

The delegation headed by the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan was from December 11 to December 14, 2019 in the Republic of Belarus on working visit.
Within the visit working meeting of the Chairmen of the Investigative Committees of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation was held in Brest the main goal of which was the international round table discussion organized in Brest dedicated to human resources training of investigative bodies and modern issues on criminal-procedural measures to be taken to prevent crimes. During the round table discussion the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan had a welcoming speech and emphasized that from the very beginning of the activity of the RA Investigative Committee the relations with the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus were reliable and structural which is proved by international – legal efficient cooperation between the Investigative Committees of Armenia, Belarus and Russia.
«Today we can confidently speak about continuity of targeted and comprehensive cooperation between our departments in the sphere of counteracting crime. Modern issues on organizing professional trainings for employees of the investigative bodies as well as on investigative prophylaxis as a perspective direction of criminological activity are to be discussed during the work of the round table. I am sure that the exchange of opinions, information as well as experience will contribute to enhancement of efficiency of pretrial proceeding and the proposals on joint work and results will be useful and directed to improvement of right exercising practice of the investigative committees of our countries.
Social welfare of the society which is based on the victory of law and justice is provided by investigators’ professionalism and the level of human legal security and inevitability of punishment depend on thorough performance of their official service. Therefore the topics presented to round table discussion are actual and significant”, emphasized the RA IC Chairman Hayk Grigoryan.
Acting Head of Criminological Department of the RA Investigative Committee Rafayel Vardanyan and Head of the Department of Investigation of Cybercrime and High Technology Crime Robert Adilkhanyan made speeches at round table discussion, a number of issues on right exercising practice were discussed.
It should be mentioned that round table discussion was held within the agreements signed formerly between the chairmen of the investigative committees and is directed to strengthening interdepartmental cooperation and enhancement of efficiency.
Within the visit the members of delegations of investigative committees of the three states visited Belovezhskaya forest reserve and Brest Castle Memorial Complex near Minsk where the chairmen of the investigative committees laid a wreath at the eternal fire in memory of the millions of victims at the Great Patriotic War.
At the end of the round table discussion the chairmen of the investigative committees of the three countries answered the questions of Mass Media representatives.