27.11.19, 14:26

Chairmen of Investigative Committees of Armenia and Artsakh Signed Memorandum of Cooperation (photos)

Chairmen of Investigative Committees of Armenia and Artsakh Signed Memorandum of Cooperation (photos)

The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia Hayk Grigoryan and the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Artsakh Igor Grigoryan today signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.

On the base of provisions of the Memorandum of Cooperation the parties will cooperate acting within their competences observing their national legislation in order to warn about, prevent, detect, disclose and investigate the following crimes;

-       crimes against peace and security of mankind

-       terrorism and extremism

-       illegal turnover of weapon, ammunition, explosive substances and explosive devices,

-       atomic and radioactive materials, narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances

-       crimes against foundations of constitutional order and national security,

-       crimes against life, health, freedom, honor and dignity of the person,

-       human trafficking, crimes committed in the area of economic activity, including tax evasion, smuggling, preparation of fake money and securities, crimes against ownership, including plunder  of vehicles,

-       crimes committed against environment safety

The parties will cooperate in a number of areas and will provide each other with legal aid.