Statistics, petitions, references
27.07.22, 07:45

Brief Summery about Criminal Cases Investigated on Domestic Violence during the First Term of 2022 in the Proceeding of the RA Investigative Committee

Brief Summery about Criminal Cases Investigated on Domestic Violence during the First Term of 2022 in the Proceeding of the RA Investigative Committee

In the first term of 2022 391 criminal cases initiated according to relevant articles of the RA Criminal Code (2003) on domestic violence have been investigated in the RA Investigative Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee).

Out of the mentioned criminal cases 8 have been on murder envisaged by the Article 104 of RA Criminal Code, 1 – on causing death by negligence envisaged by the Article 109, 6 - on infliction of willful heavy damage to health envisaged by the Article 112, 7 – on infliction of willful medium-gravity damage to health envisaged by the Article 113, 20 – on infliction of willful light damage to health envisaged by the Article 117, 183 - on battery envisaged by the Article 118, 11 - on causing strong pain or mental sufferance envisaged by the Article 119, 3 - on kidnapping envisaged by the Article 131, 1 - on illegal deprivation of  freedom envisaged by the Article 133, 51 - on threat to murder, to inflict heavy damage to one’s health or to destroy property envisaged by the Article 137, 1 - on violent sexual actions envisaged by the Article 139, 3 - on sexual intercourse or other sexual acts with a person obviously under 16 envisaged by the Article 141, 1 - on lecherous acts envisaged by the Article 142, 2 -on illegal collecting, keeping, use and dissemination of information pertaining to personal or family life envisaged by the Article 144, 2 – on illegal separation of the child from the parents or substitution of the child envisaged by the Article 167, 31 - on hindering to visits of parent or other close relative to the child envisaged by the Article 167.1, 1 - on sale or purchase of child for the purpose of taking up care envisaged by the Article 168, 1 - on reporting false information to civil registration authorities envisaged by the Article 169.1, 2 - on failure to fulfill the duty of rearing the child envisaged by the Article 170, 1 – on failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of one’s duties to provide the child’s safety or health, 9 - on willful evasion from supporting one’s child by the parent envisaged by the Article 173, 3 – on willful destruction or spoilage of property envisaged by the Article 185, 21 - on willful failure to carry out an effective court sentence envisaged by the Article 353.1 and 22 on other crimes.

53 of 391 criminal cases have been completed and with the bill of indictment on 56 persons have been sent to court, proceeding of 123 criminal cases has been terminated 39 of which on acquittal, 84 – on non-acquittal base, proceeding of 8 criminal cases has been suspended 4 of which due to the circumstance that the person having committed the crime is under prosecution, 4 - the person having committed the crime is unknown. 7 criminal cases have been sent according to subordination, 55 have been combined, 145 criminal cases have been moved to July, 2022.

Within the above-mentioned criminal cases 128 persons have been involved as a defendant 2 of which have been between 14 and 18, 55 – between 18 and 35, 71 – over 35 years old. 7 defendants have been previously convicted.

4 of the crimes committed in the family have been committed by mother 3 of which have been against a minor child, 7 – by father 6 of which against minor child, 2 – by step mother against minor step child, 2 – by step father against minor step child, 4 – by brother/sister, 3 – by grandfather/grandmother, 9 – by son/daughter (among them adopted ones), 4 – by wife, 85 – by husband, 4 – by grandson/granddaughter, 4 – by husband’s parents.

Within the mentioned 391 criminal cases 296 persons have been found the victim 32 of which have been under 12, 6 – between 12 and 14, 3 – between 14 and 16, 17 – between 16 and 18, 122 – between 18 and 35, 116 – over 35 years old.