    02.10.23, 13:50

    Brother of 43 year-old Man’s Wife Arrested on Suspicion of 43 year-old Man’s Murder in Kond District of Yerevan

    Brother of 43 year-old Man’s Wife Arrested on Suspicion of 43 year-old Man’s Murder in Kond District of Yerevan

    On September 30, 2023 at 21:02 a report was received from a citizen informing that his sister’s ex-husband, being in a state of inebriation, attempted to attack him with a knife after which he hit him with pipes on different parts of his body, including the head. On the same day at 21:57 a call was received from “Armenia” medical center informing that the ambulance group had taken 43 year-old resident of Yerevan, with a diagnosis of “Polytrauma” to them from Kond Street of Yerevan. After a while the latter died without regaining consciousness. 

    With regard to the case a criminal proceeding was initiated in the Third Investigative Division of Kentron and Nork-Marash administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee according to the Part 1 of the Article 155 of RA Criminal Code.

    In the result of urgent investigative and procedural actions a number of circumstances of the case were found out.

    Particularly, on the day of the case a row on personal matters erupted between 28 year-old resident of Yerevan and the victim during which, pursuant to initial data, being under the influence of alcohol, the man attacked the young man with a knife. In response to it, the latter took an iron pipe from the ground and hit the victim on the head and body. As a result, the man fell down after which he tried to stand up but the young man pushed him with foot and he fell again to the ground.

    Immediately after the accident the young man called the Police and told about what had happened. 28 year-old young man was arrested on the base of reasonable suspicion of committing murder.

    In the course of the preliminary investigation inspection of the scene with the latter’s participation was conducted during which he pointed out the scene, presented details of importance for the case. During the inspection the iron pipe, which is the instrument of the crime, the knife at the victim were found and taken, samples were taken. Forensic expertise of the body was commissioned, witnesses were questioned.

    Preliminary investigation is ongoing. Measures are taken to find out all circumstances of the case, to verify the circumstances mentioned in the testimonies. Assignments were given to the relevant subdivision of the Police.

    .Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.