International cooperation
19.02.19, 09:23

Chairman of RA Investigative Committee Received U.S. FBI Regional Legal Attaché Assistant (photos)

Chairman of RA Investigative Committee Received U.S. FBI Regional Legal Attaché Assistant (photos)

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan received today Regional Legal Attaché Assistant of Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States of America Matthew Boyden.

IC Chairman thanked Matthew Boyden for visiting the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia.

«In the short period of Investigative Committee's activity we felt the unconditional support of U.S. counterparts one of its particular manifestations of which is the proper legal aid shown by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation within certain criminal cases investigated in the proceeding of the RA Investigative Committee. As a result, it gave an opportunity to disclose a number of crimes, including a case of swindling hundreds of thousands dollars from state funds», emphasized Hayk Grigoryan.

During the meeting the IC Chairman attached importance to training course called «Mutual Legal Aid Requests and Confiscation of Assets» organized by U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation in RA Investigative Committee in September, 2017 in the result of which a direct electronic communication platform was formed between the employees of Legal Assistance Office of U.S. Justice Department and Division of Provision of International Requests of Investigative Committee. As a result, the quality of implementation of requests on providing legal aid by U.S. counterparts significantly improved, the term of their implementation was reduced, as well.

The Chairman of the Investigative Committee attached importance to working visits by employees of the Investigative Committee to U.S. FBI Central Office located in Washington made at the invitation of U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation. During the visits agreements on organizing the trainings of Committee employees in the U.S.A. were achieved which are already in process.

Summing up his speech the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan expressed gratitude to U.S. FBI Regional Legal Attaché Office - Matthew Boyden personally for the efforts made in strengthening the cooperation.

Hayk Grigoryan assured that the cooperation of the two administrations will soon have broader prospects of development conditioned by the vision of recording much more serious success in fight against crime.

Regional Legal Attaché Assistant of Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States of America Matthew Boyden expressed gratitude for the reception and congratulated Hayk Grigoryan on the appointment in the position of IC Chairman.

«I assess highly the fact that you mentioned all the achievements that we have had in the process of joint activities. I am confident that the relations established already will go deeper», emphasized Matthew Boyden.

He thanked once more for the reception and expressed confidence that the meetings will be continuous which will contribute to closer and more efficient cooperation between two structures.