20.4% of Criminal Cases Initiated on Thefts from Apartments Recorded in 2019 Disclosed

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan held working consultation with participation of the leadership of the RA Investigative Committee and the heads of structural subdivisions.
It was reported that pursuant to examination conducted in General Department of Control over Activity of Territorial Investigative Departments of the RA Investigative Committee preliminary investigation of 66.56% of criminal cases on thefts investigated in 2019 in the proceedings of subdivisions of the RA Investigation Committee was conducted in Yerevan city, 32.3% - in provinces, 1% - in General Military Investigative Department, 1 – in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases.
23.6% of criminal cases investigated on thefts were criminal cases initiated on thefts from apartments; 52.35% - in Yerevan city, 47.6% - in provinces, 0.22 % - in General Military Investigative Department, 1 – in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases.
20.4% of criminal cases investigated on theft was disclosed. 6.4% of the mentioned criminal cases on 168 persons with the bill of indictment or decision to use compulsory medical measure was sent to court, 1.7% was terminated, 71.1% was suspended 10% of which was combined to other criminal cases, 1.9% was sent to another body and 7.4% was passed to 2020.
Within criminal cases investigated on thefts from apartments in 2019 195 persons were involved as a defendant, detention was chosen as a pretrial measure against 65 or 33.3%.
Pursuant to examination 16 out of 195 defendants have constantly had a job and 11 out of 24 juvenile defendants have attended educational institutions.
The pecuniary damage caused by the recorded cases is 1.481.458.831 AMD 43.541.590 AMD or 2.9% of which has been restored. A ban was imposed on the property of defendants within all disclosed cases.
57.4% of thefts from apartments recorded in 2019 were committed from apartments of multi-apartments buildings, 39.1% - from houses, 3.35% - from other residences. 42.9% of theft from apartments was committed at night – from 22:00 to 07:00, 41.3% - in the daytime and 15.7% was not possible to find out the certain time of the crime.
Through examination it was found out that in 6.8% of cases on thefts from apartments there were electronic locks at the entrances of multi-apartment buildings, in 2,2% of cases – video cameras.
From the analyses of apartment thefts in the mentioned period it can be stated that the ways of their committals are various. Thus, 27.9% were committed by breaking the core of the front door lock, 21.5% - by using a customized key, 14.7% - by damaging the cages and windows with technical means and 35.7% by entering through an open window or door.
Summing up the consultation Hayk Grigoryan gave appropriate instructions related to solutions to the issues raised.