Work Done by Yerevan Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee from January to May 26, 2020 Reported to Hayk Grigoryan

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan held a working consultation to sum up the work done by Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee from January to May 26, 2020. The leadership of the RA Investigative Committee and the heads of structural subdivisions were present at the consultation.
Pursuant to agenda, the work done within the criminal cases investigated in the Division of Investigation of Grave Crimes, Division of Investigation of Traffic Crimes and Division of Investigation of Crimes Committed at the Area of “Zvartnots” International Airport of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee was reported.
Pursuant to reports, in the mentioned period 96 criminal cases are investigated in the Division of Investigation of Grave Crimes of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee 93 of which have been disclosed and 3 undisclosed criminal cases were passed from 2019.
In the mentioned division investigation is conducted by 14 investigators, their average monthly workload is 6 criminal cases.
The damage caused within criminal cases investigated in the Division of Investigation of Grave Crimes is 6.959.364.634 AMD 460.636.780 AMD of which has been recovered.
In the mentioned period 157 criminal cases are investigated in the Division of Investigation of Traffic Crimes of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee 154 of which have been disclosed. 88 criminal cases were sent to court, proceeding of 80 criminal cases was terminated, 10 were combined in one proceeding, 15 criminal cases were sent to other law enforcement bodies according to investigatory subordination, one of them – to the RA Special Investigatory Service, 14 – to relevant subdivisions of the RA Investigative Committee. 11 criminal cases were suspended.
In the Division of Investigation of Traffic Crimes investigation is conducted by 8 investigators, their average monthly workload is 37 criminal cases.
12 criminal cases are investigated in the Division of Investigation of Crimes Committed at the Area of “Zvartnots” International Airport of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee 5 of which have been disclosed.
In the mentioned division investigation is conducted by 2 investigators, their average monthly workload is 13 criminal cases.
Summing up the consultation Hayk Grigoryan gave specific instructions to organize the work of the mentioned divisions in a more coordinated way, to enhance the quality and efficiency of preliminary investigation.