14.09.21, 17:33

Charge Pressed against Deputy Head of Kentron Administrative District for Exceeding Official Authorities

Charge Pressed against Deputy Head of Kentron Administrative District for Exceeding Official Authorities

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on the incident that took place in “Kentron” administrative district staff was completed in the Division of Investigation of Grave Crimes of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee.

Through investigation it was found out that the deputy head of Kentron administrative district, being the acting head of the administrative district and having organizational-managerial authorities, on 11 May, 2021 at about 10:00 together with the chief specialist of Communal Department and about 10 employees entered the working room of the head of the Department of Urban Development and Land Use located in the building of the administrative district, used violence against the latter after which they demanded that he should write an application on resignation. Receiving a negative answer he hit him on several parts of his body together with the other employees causing bodily injuries.

On the base of the obtained sufficient evidence charge was pressed against the acting head of the administrative district according to the Part 2 of the Article 309 of RA Criminal Code.

Preliminary investigation was completed and the criminal case with the motion to confirm the bill of indictment and send it to court was sent to prosecutor.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.