Newsfeed from General Military Investigative Department
    18.01.19, 08:56

    Within Criminal Case Investigated in RA IC Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of General Military Investigative Department New Criminal Case Initiated on Exceeding Official Authorities

    Within Criminal Case Investigated in RA IC Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of General Military Investigative Department New Criminal Case Initiated on Exceeding Official Authorities

    During preliminary investigation initiated on October 9, 2018 in the Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of General Military Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee on apparent crimes envisaged by the Part 1 of the Article 309, the Point 2 of the Part 4 of the Article 311, the Point 1 of the Part 3 of the Article 179 and the Part 1 of the Article 308 it was found out that each year a social package was provided to the servicemen of the RA Police Forces. The servicemen had the right to spend 72.000 AMD given within the social package on rest, payment of mortgage loan or payment of tuition fee.  

    On the base of oral instruction of the former Deputy Chief of the RA Police, Commander of Police Forces, General-Lieutenant Levon Yeranosyan from 2013 to 2018 72.000 AMDs provided by social packages of a number of servicemen of units under Police Forces were spent on organization of rest and the mentioned process was performed by signing contracts with representatives of tourist organizations who had visited the unit by Levon Yeranosyan's knowledge.

    Since 2014 the staff of unit N of Police Forces had been informed that 72.000 AMDs provided by social packages were transferred to tourist organizations. However, the servicemen were actually provided with rest service of 52.000 AMD.

    Pursuant to factual data obtained through preliminary investigation of the criminal case from 2012 to 2018 Levon Yeranosyan, holding the position of Commander of the RA Police Forces, Deputy Chief of the Police, from 2013 to 2018 exceeding official authorities instructed the commanders of the units of the RA Police Forces to instruct the servicemen of the units to sign contracts on organization of rest within social packages with tourist organizations mentioned by him. In these conditions some servicemen were not provided with rest services at all, others were provided with rest service of 52.000 AMD instead of 72.000 AMD.   

    On January 18, 2019 a decision was made to initiate a separate criminal case according to the Part 1 of the Article 309 of RA Criminal Code on exceeding official authorities by the former Deputy Chief of the RA Police, Commander of Police Forces Levon Yeranosyan.

    Considering that from 2012 to 2018 Levon Yeranosyan held the position of Commander of the RA Police Forces, Deputy Police Chief and according to the Part 6 of the Article 190 of RA Criminal Procedure Code preliminary investigation of criminal cases on crimes committed by senior employees of the RA Legislative, Executive and Judicial Bodies, persons performing state service related to their official position is conducted by investigators of the RA Special Investigatory Service, on January 18, 2019 a decision was made to send the criminal case to the RA Special Investigatory Service according to investigatory subordination.

    Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.