27.10.15, 08:59

Charge pressed for lecherous acts with minor girl, deprivation of her elder sister of freedom, forcing her minor brother to beg

Charge pressed for lecherous acts with minor girl, deprivation of her elder sister of freedom, forcing her minor brother to beg

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on lecherous acts with the minor daughter of his actual wife committed periodically, depriving the girl’s elder sister of freedom, forcing the minor son to beg by a 37 year-old man was completed in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee.

During preliminary investigation it was found that in 2013 the 37 year-old man often visited a family living in Armavir region on several occasions, got acquainted with three minor children of the mentioned family. During the visits intimate relations were formed between the man and the children’s mother. The latter’s husband learnt about it which became a reason for argument. The woman left her husband’s house and rented an apartment where she started living together with the 37 year-old man. A while later two of the children 10 year-old son and 13 year-old daughter moved to live with their mother.

According to the evidence obtained through preliminary investigation while living together from August 2013 to December 29, 2014 the 37 year-old man periodically committed lecherous acts against 13 year-old daughter of his actual wife which continued until May, 2015 after she was 14.

13 year-old girl’s elder sister, born in 1996, learnt about the mentioned acts committed by the man and argued with him on the mentioned issue in mid-November, 2013. In order to punish the elder sister the man illegally deprived her from freedom keeping her for a night in the cellar of the house. The sister was released from the cellar by the younger brother next morning when the man was out.

Through investigation it was also found that from November, 2013 to spring, 2014 the man forced the woman’s minor son – 10 year-old boy to beg in Armavir, he received and spent the money begged by the boy on his personal needs. 

Harassment by the man against the minors stopped after they had been taken to a special educational complex in April, 2015 to continue their education.

The minor girl told the psychologist of the complex what had happened to her and on June 15, 2015 her elder sister submitted a written report.

On the base of the evidence obtained during pretrial proceeding charge was pressed against the 37 year-old man according to the Part 1 of the Article 132.2, the Point 4 of the Part 2 of the Article 133, the Points 3, 4 of the Part 2 of the Article 142 and the Points 2, 4 of the Part 2 of the Article 142 of RA Criminal Code. Detention was chosen as a pretrial measure against him.

The criminal case with the bill of indictment was sent to the prosecutor supervising the legality of preliminary investigation. The bill of indictment was confirmed and the case was sent to the Court of First Instance of Armavir.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.