29.08.17, 11:56

Consistent steps taken to raise investigators’ discipline; 5 employees subjected to liability

Consistent steps taken to raise investigators’ discipline; 5 employees subjected to liability

The RA Investigative Committee keeps on taking consistent steps to raise the quality and efficiency of investigation of the criminal cases investigated in the IC proceeding, the discipline of the investigators, as well as to exclude the violations

In the result of examinations conducted in the Department of Internal Security during the first half of 2017 disciplinary penalty was used against 5 employees of Investigative Committee for breaches of Criminal Procedure Law, as well as making disciplinary offences. By the orders of the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee “warning” was used against 4 investigators, “reprimand” – against one of them.

One criminal case was initiated on official negligence committed by the RA IC employee according to the Part 1 of the Article 315 of RA Criminal Code and was sent according to investigatory subordination – to Special Investigatory Service.