Integrity System Introduced in the RA Investigative Committee

Within the framework of judicial and anti-corruption reforms implemented in Armenia, an integrity institute was introduced in the system of the RA Investigative Committee.
Through amendments and additions made to the RA Law “About the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia”, which entered into force on August 5, 2024, a mandatory requirement to check the integrity of person holding autonomous positions in the RA Investigative Committee was established․ According to it
- the persons holding autonomous position (investigators) in the sixth year of their office,
- persons claiming to be included in the service promotion list,
- the participants who received a positive grade as a result of the written exam conducted for the purpose of replenishing the list of candidates for autonomous positions in the Investigative Committee before the oral examination undergo an integrity check.
According to it, as of October 31, 22 people have already passed the current integrity check in the system of the RA Investigative Committee.
At present, the integrity of 74 people holding autonomous position, as well as another 23 people holding autonomous position claiming for promotion, is being checked.
In November, within the framework of the competition round already announced for the purpose of replenishing the list of candidates of the persons holding autonomous position in the RA Investigative Committee, after summarizing the results of the written phase, the integrity of the participants who received a positive grade in the written examination will also be checked.
According to the regulations of the RA Law “About the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia”, in case the Corruption Prevention Commission submits a negative advisory conclusion as a result of the current study on integrity, an official investigation is necessarily initiated.