03.08.20, 12:46

Criminal Case Initiated on 32 Year-Old Man’s Stabbing in Rubenyants Street

Criminal Case Initiated on 32 Year-Old Man’s Stabbing in Rubenyants Street

On August 1, 2020 at 23:30 a call was received from medical center “University Hospital N 1 after M. Heratsi” informing that 32 year-old man with a diagnosis of cut-pierced wound on the left part of the chest was taken to them.

A criminal case was initiated in Qanaqer-Zeytun Police Division according to the Part 1 of the Article 112 (infliction of willful heavy damage to health) of RA Criminal Code which was sent to the Investigative Division of Qanaqer-Zeytun administrative district of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee to conduct preliminary investigation and was received in the proceeding. 32 year-old man was found the injured party.

In the result of investigatory and procedural actions as well as operative-intelligence measures it was found out that on August 1, 2020 at about 23:00 near a house in Rubinyants Street of Yerevan during the row erupted on domestic matters 48 year-old resident of Yerevan stabbed 32 year-old man and caused bodily injury.

During preliminary investigation investigatory actions, including inspection of the scene were conducted, a number of people were questioned. Forensic medical examination was commissioned.

48 year-old resident of Yerevan turned himself to Qanaqer-Zeytun Police Division and presented the crime tool – the knife. The latter was arrested.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.  

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.