19.09.15, 14:35

Criminal cases initiated on cases of intestinal poisoning in Shirak and Aragatsotn regions will be investigated in one proceeding

Criminal cases initiated on cases of intestinal poisoning in Shirak and Aragatsotn regions will be investigated in one proceeding

In the framework of the criminal case investigated in Shirak Regional Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee it was found that the water provided to the village of Dzithanqov does not meet the requirements of “Drinking water” sanitary regulations and norms.

It was earlier informed that on September 10, 2015 a call was received from “Gyumri Infectious Antituberculosis hospital” informing that 4 schoolchildren from the secondary school of the village of Dzithanqov with acute intestinal infection were taken to hospital.

On September 11, 2015 a criminal case was initiated in Shirak Regional Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee according to the Point 2 of the Part 2 of the Article 279 of RA Criminal Code (Manufacture or sale of goods which do not meet safety requirements for the consumers’ life or health which negligently damaged the health of two or more persons).

During preliminary investigation it was found that from September 10 to 15, 2015 31 persons turned to “Gyumri Infectious Antituberculosis hospital” with acute intestinal infection. 6 of them received outpatient treatment, 25 of them received stationery treatment. 16 of 31 persons were residents of Dzithanqov village.

Through investigation the menu of the secondary school on September 9-10, 2015 was found, samples from dishes and water were taken, expertises were commissioned.

Water samples were taken from several houses of the village, as well. According to the certificate given by “Shirak” branch of “Center for Disease Control and Prevention” SNCO residual chlorine was not found in the water samples taken from several houses of the village of Dzithanqov, in the result of bacteriological examination 20 samples did not meet the requirements of “Drinking water” sanitary regulations and norms ՍԿ N2 III1.

In the same period cases of poisoning were recorded in Aragatsotn region, as well, including Charinja community the water of which is provided from the same source served by Talin Water Supply and Sewerage.

Taking the results of investigation into consideration, by the instruction of the Chairman of RA Investigative Committee the criminal cases initiated on cases of poisoning recorded in Shirak and Aragatsotn regions were combined in one proceeding.

Measures are taken to provide the comprehensive and complete examination of the case, as well as to find the source and causes of poisoning.