23.04.19, 08:18

Information about Criminal Cases on Corruption- Related Crimes Investigated in IC Proceeding in 2018

Information about Criminal Cases on Corruption- Related Crimes Investigated in IC Proceeding in 2018

Criminal cases on corruption-related crimes investigated in 2018 in IC proceeding were examined in the RA Investigative Committee.

1233 criminal cases on corruption-related crimes were investigated in subdivisions of the Investigative Committee in 2018 1077 of which were received in the proceeding in 2018 and 156 were from 2017.

According to statistics the number of criminal cases investigated on corruption-related crimes has grown by 691 cases or by 127.4%.

Out of 1233 criminal cases

37 referred to swindling committed by using official position envisaged by the Article 178 of RA Criminal Code,

315 – to squandering or embezzlement committed with abuse of official position envisaged by the Article 179 of RA Criminal Code,

11 – to Infliction of damage to the owner or other managers of property by deception or abuse of confidence envisaged by the Article 184 of RA Criminal Code,

14 - to commercial bribe envisaged by the Article 200 of RA Criminal Code,

3 - to bribing the participants and organizers of professional and commercial sports competition or shows envisaged by the Article 201 of RA Criminal Code,

78 - to abuse of authority by the employees of commercial or other organizations envisaged by the Article 214 of RA Criminal Code,

194 - to abuse of official authorities envisaged by the Article 308 of RA Criminal Code,

41 - to exceeding official authorities envisaged by the Article 309 of RA Criminal Code,

89 - to taking bribes envisaged by the Article 311 of RA Criminal Code,

143 - to getting illegal payment from a public servant envisaged by the Article 311.1 of RA Criminal Code,

4 - to using real or alleged influence for mercenary purposes envisaged by the Article 311.2 of RA Criminal Code,

39 - to giving a bribe envisaged by the Article 312 of RA Criminal Code,

4 – to giving illegal payment to a public servant envisaged by the Article 312.1 of RA Criminal Code,

3 – to bribery mediation envisaged by the Article 313 of RA Criminal Code,

111 - to official forgery envisaged by the Article 314 of RA Criminal Code,

11 – arbitrary seizure of state or community-owned land plots, as well as not taking measures as prescribed by law to  suspend, prevent arbitrary construction of buildings envisaged by the Article 315.2 of RA Criminal Code,

11 - to failure to carry out a court act envisaged by the Points 1 and 2 of the Article 353 of RA Criminal Code,

125 - to abuse of power, transgression or administrative dereliction envisaged by the Article 375 of RA Criminal Code.

Preliminary investigation of 448 criminal cases was completed.

Within criminal cases 795 persons were subjected to criminal prosecution. 77 of the mentioned persons were arrested, 62 persons were released from custody.

658 persons were involved as a defendant. Charge was pressed against 585 persons.

Motion on detention on 53 persons was submitted to court 5 of which were rejected, 48 were sufficed, mortgage was used against 21.

Officiating of 31 defendants was stopped.

18 defendants were released from custody; 3 of them were released by prosecutor's decision, 15 – by court's decision.

Criminal prosecution against 55 persons was stopped on acquittal base, against 217 persons – on non-acquittal base.

Decision to stop criminal prosecution against 3 persons was abolished by prosecutor.

190 persons were sued 12 of which were under custody.

Preliminary investigation of 107 criminal cases was completed with a bill of indictment, proceeding of 341 cases was terminated 235 of which were on acquittal base, 106 – on non-acquittal base.

Proceeding of 21 criminal cases was suspended; 14 of suspensions were based on the fact that the person having committed the crime was not identified and 7 –that the defendant hid from investigation.

58 criminal cases were sent to other investigative bodies according to investigatory subjection.

242 criminal cases were joint in one proceeding.

464 criminal cases were passed to 2019.

Initiation of criminal cases on 25 materials prepared in 2018 was rejected 14 of which on acquittal base, 11 – on non-acquittal base.

335 persons were subjected to criminal prosecution within not completed cases 3 of which were under custody.

398 officials within 1233 criminal cases were subjected to criminal prosecution 16 of which were suspects, 382 – defendants.

1 of 398 officials was high-ranking official / pursuant to RA Law «On Public Service» (Deputy Head of State Property Management Department).

The officials subjected to criminal prosecution committed the corruption-related crimes in the following spheres

health – 13 defendants and 1 suspect – director of polyclinic, director of medical center, maternity hospital director, director of Primary Health Care Center of community,  doctor-epidemiologist,

education – 33 defendants and 2 suspects – institute director, university storekeeper, printing house director of university, school headmaster, school accountant, associate professor of university, head of department of education, sport and culture of municipality, college director, kindergarten director, special school headmaster,

legal system – 1 defendant – authorized officer of division of criminal intelligence of the RA Police.

state purchase – 2 defendants – deputy head of department of RA Ministry of Defense, former head of financial department of administration of logistics,

social assistance – 55 defendants and 1 suspect – senior specialist of post office, head of social assistance service division, social service specialist, senior specialist, director of care house, storekeeper of care house, chief accountant of care house, head of territorial agency of social assistance, specialist of territorial agency of social assistance, medical statistician of medical and social commission, public servant, head of territorial division of social assistance of city hall, head of division of cooperation with public organizations and organizations of social assistance of Ministry of Defense,

energy and natural resources – two defendants – director of forestry branch, deputy head of department of state property management,

local self-government – 71 defendants – mayor, specialist-economist of community, community head, deputy head of community, community secretary, community cashier, head of division of agricultural and nature protection department of municipality, utility service director, leading specialist of urban development division of city hall, city hall inspector, utility division head of community,

protection and armed forces – 114 defendants and 10 suspects – military unit officer of Gegharkunik’s military commissariat of RA Ministry of Defense, commander of military unit, platoon commander, detachment commander, head of service, head of battalion headquarter, battalion commander, deputy commander of military service, head of headquarter of military unit, head of automobile service, head of conscription unit, head of the first center of military unit, division commander, deputy commander of battalion, storekeeper, head of production, service head, current maintenance division head, military commissar, doctor, department head of medical center, deputy military commissar, head of technical service, head of auto service, head of canteen, head of communication, clerk of confidential part, officer of military unit, food service chief, head of financial department, head of supervisory technical center, head of health post, head of confidential part,

other spheres – 91 defendants and 2 suspects – director of library, loan specialist, employment agency employee, forester, engineer, storekeeper, SNCO director, director of cultural center, bank manager, deputy manager of bank, executive director of LLC, Chief Specialist at Service Office of Cadastre State Committee Staff, LLC director, head of technical inspection center of the same LLC, deputy head of environmental inspection of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection, state inspectors and other servants.