20.08.24, 11:20

Within Criminal Proceeding on Corruption Related Crimes Investigated in the RA Investigative Committee in the First Term of 2024, 4 Times more Amount of Damage Recovered as Compared with the Same Period of 2023; Summery

Within Criminal Proceeding on Corruption Related Crimes Investigated in the RA Investigative Committee in the First Term of 2024, 4 Times more Amount of Damage Recovered as Compared with the Same Period of 2023; Summery

The RA Investigative Committee has summed up the results of preliminary investigation conducted in the first term of 2024 on corruption related crimes in the RA IC subdivisions.

It should be noted that though the corruption related crimes are investigated in the RA Anti-Corruption Committee, the RA Investigative Committee continues investigating similar proceedings within numerous cases.

According to it, in the mentioned period 1.003 criminal proceedings related to corruption related crimes have been investigated in the Committee, which is by 46 or 4.3% fewer as compared with the first term of 2023.

32 out of 1.003 criminal proceedings were completed with the bill of indictment and on 60 persons were sent to court, 132 were terminated 104 of which on rehabilitative, 28 – on non-rehabilitative base. Procedural actions were completed within 90 proceedings, 112 were sent to another body, 37 proceedings were combined and 600 proceedings were transferred to the second term of 2024.

The investigated proceedings referred particularly to

leasing or expropriating state or community-owned property, including property not subject to privatization committed through various criminal schemes, arbitrary seizure of plots of land

distribution of non-earned benefits to employees in educational, medical, community, or state institutions, or embezzlement of funds in the form of additions due to unfulfilled expenses, services not provided within the framework of the state order,

committing squandering by transferring all sums in the conditions that the works stipulated in the purchase contracts for the provision of services in individual institutions are not performed or incompletely performed,

creating unequal conditions artificially, by abuse of official position, among tenderers during service procurement tenders,

not entering the rents collected from citizens in individual communities, as a result of official negligence,

and embezzlement

committing embezzlement, official forgery and forgery of documents by abuse of official position in educational, state and community institutions,

abuses within the framework of state sectoral support programs,

money laundering, etc.

The pecuniary damage caused by corruption related crimes, found out during the pretrial proceeding of the completed proceedings on corruption related crimes, pursuant to initial calculation, was 7.446.326.000 AMD, 675.420.000 AMD of which has been recovered in the course of preliminary investigation.  657.630.000 AMD of the recovered amount has been the damage caused to the state, 9.798.000 AMD – to communities, 4.000.000 AMD – to legal entities, and 3.992.000 AMD – to natural persons.

Moreover, the index of the recovery of damage caused within the corruption related crimes in the first term of 2024 exceeds the results of the same period of 2023 for 4 times (156.126.000 AMD).

Necessary measures are taken within the criminal proceedings to provide the recovery of the rest of the damage, as well.