18.02.20, 09:16

Information about Pecuniary Damage Caused by Corruption Related Crimes and Recovery in 2019

Information about Pecuniary Damage Caused by Corruption Related Crimes and Recovery in 2019

Within 287 criminal cases and materials pecuniary damage was caused. The number of persons within the mentioned criminal cases and materials is 470 257 of which were officials.

The amount of the damage caused was 2.923.496.731 AMD 1.714.996.528 AMD of which was the amount of the damage caused to the state and 1.208.500.203 AMD is the amount caused to physical persons and legal entities.

1.222.436.026 AMD of the pecuniary damage was recovered 944.301.563 AMD of which was the damage caused to the state property and 278.134.463 AMD – the damage caused to physical persons and legal entities.

The amount of pecuniary damage caused by crimes within criminal cases terminated on non-acquittal base was 693.669.904 AMD 613.088.389 AMD of which was recovered.

No pecuniary damage was caused by crimes within materials rejected on non acquittal base.