11.07.18, 12:03

Information Base of U.S. National Center for Issues on Lost and Exploited Children to be available for RA Investigative Committee (photos)

Information Base of U.S. National Center for Issues on Lost and Exploited Children to be available for RA Investigative Committee (photos)

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan received US Deputy Attaché of the National Security Investigation Body for Immigration and Customs Service Carl Stiffler.

During the meeting the parties discussed a wide range of issues on crimes committed through internet against children, particularly sexual harassment, as well as issues on fight against them.

Congratulating Hayk Grigoryan on the new position C. Stiffler expressed hope that efficient cooperation will be established between two bodies in favor of protection of children’s rights and attached importance to creation of legal bases for cooperation with U.S. nongovernmental organization “National Center for Issues on Lost and Exploited Children”.  

US NGO “National Center for Issues on Lost and Exploited Children” is a huge structure which conducts information base containing sexual harassment committed on internet against children which in the form of reports is transferred to US law enforcement bodies. Particularly, 8 different reports are made on creation and dissemination of children's pornography, inducing children to online sexual relation, children's prostitution, sex-tourism involving children, pedophilia, sending licentious materials to children, misleading domain names, misleading words or digital images on the internet. Investigative and a number of law enforcement bodies use the mentioned reports and assistance computer line of “National Center for Issues on Lost and Exploited Children” organization.

Information on foreign children is also worked out in the mentioned database and pursuant to the agreements reached they are available for the RA Investigative Committee, as well.

«We constantly focus on protection of children's rights and particularly of juveniles affected by crime. The future of the country is the healthy generation and healthy childhood is the main guarantee. The internet which gets widespread day by day attracts juveniles however, at the same time, it can increase the possibility for them to become a victim of crimes. Our duty is just to protect our children from possible crimes», said the IC Chairman and expressed hope that cooperation with “National Center for Issues on Lost and Exploited Children” NGO will give a new opportunity to fight more efficiently against this vicious phenomenon.

During the meeting the document on distant access order to Cyber assistance computer line was signed and after relevant legal procedures it will provide availability for the RA Investigative Committee to that international database.