29.01.20, 12:05

Preliminary Investigation on 7 Defendants within Criminal Case Investigated on Armed Incident at «Partez» Restaurant Completed

Preliminary Investigation on 7 Defendants within Criminal Case Investigated on Armed Incident at «Partez» Restaurant Completed

In the result of investigatory actions of great volume conducted within the criminal case investigated in the Department of Investigation of Crimes against Humanity of General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee a number of circumstances of the armed incident that took place at “Partez” restaurant were found out. On the base of the obtained evidence preliminary investigation of the separated part on 7 defendants was completed.

It was earlier informed that on January 29, 2019 at about 01:00 there was an argument at «Partez» restaurant complex operating in Abovyan town which turned into an armed incident during which firearms of different models, sharp cutting-piercing items, crowbars were used. In the result of fired shots 8 persons sustained firearm injuries. One of them - the resident of Abovyan Artashes Gevorgyan, born in 1989, died at the site of the injuries he had sustained. Some days after the incident 21 year-old Jivan Harutyunyan involved in the armed incident also died in university hospital N 1 after Heratsi.

In the result of investigatory and procedural actions of great volume, as well as operative-intelligence and searching measures a number of circumstances of the case, the motive, the frame of those involved in the incident were found out, charge was pressed against 22 persons; they are all residents of Kotayk province.

Particularly, through preliminary investigation it was found out that on January 28, 2019 at about 22:50 a row erupted between three brothers - employees of tire repair center and a resident of Abovyan town, born in 1991 and his friends which turned into brawl during which breaching public order roughly the latters made a noise and scolded, used violence against brothers with feet and hands.

Shortly after it 28 year-old young man not bearing what had happened returned to the tire repair center with his supporters in a few cars. Then going on with hooligan actions he willfully kicked and broke the entrance door lock and left. At midnight one of the brothers informed his supporters about what had happened.

As a result, the parties using the slightest opportunity, in order to emphasize the alleged advantages of theirs and their supporters, through phone calls and meetings collected numerous supporters armed with sharp cutting-piercing items, metal crowbars and firearms of several models procured and kept illegally.  

Pursuant to actual data obtained through investigation the young men with their supporters were armed with numerous firearms of several models procured and kept illegally, sharp cutting-piercing items and metal crowbars after which on January 29, 2019 at about 01:00, according to arrangement reached beforehand, they drove to the arranged place – the front part of «Partez» restaurant in over a dozen of cars of different makes where again a row erupted during which the above mentioned people scolded, made a noise, used violence against one another – they fired shots with 7 pistols of «Makarov» model, 1 pistol of «TT» model, 1 pistol of «PSM» model and 2 hunting guns procured and kept illegally, they hit one another with cutting-piercing items and metal crowbars, feet and hands.

On the base of the obtained sufficient evidence charge was pressed against one of seven defendants according to the Points 1, 6, 7 of the Part 2 of the Article 34-104, the Part 1 of the Article 235, the Point 1 of the Part 3 of the Article 258 and the Part 4 of the Article 258 of RA Criminal Code, against three of them – according to the Points 1, 6, 7 of the Part 2 of the Article 34-104, the Part 1 of the Article 235 and the Part 4 of the Article 258 of RA Criminal Code, against the fifth – according to the Part 1 of the Article 235 and the Part 4 of the Article 258 of RA Criminal Code, against the sixth – according to the Part 4 of the Article 258, against the seventh – according to the Point 1 of the Part 3 of the Article 258 of RA Criminal Code. Detention was chosen as a pretrial measure against three of them, other pretrial measures were used against others.

Preliminary investigation on seven defendants was completed and the criminal case with the bill of indictment was sent to court.

Preliminary investigation on other defendants, murders, willful illegal deprivation of life of two or more persons, murder attempt in a way dangerous for many people's life, causing firearm and other bodily injuries to the mentioned persons, illegal procurement, keeping of firearm and weapon, hooliganism in a group by using weapon and other items used as a weapon, as well as those unidentified within the criminal case is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.