International cooperation
01.10.18, 12:04

RA IC Chairman Hayk Grigoryan received U.S. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Armenia Richard Mills (Photos)

RA IC Chairman Hayk Grigoryan received U.S. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Armenia Richard Mills (Photos)

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan received today the U.S. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Richard Mills on the completion of diplomatic mission in our country. U.S. Embassy’s INL Program Director Michael Shulman, national coordinator of the program Maritsa Hovhannisyan, RA IC Deputy Chairman Artur Ghambaryan, Adviser to the IC Chairman Sona Truzyan, Head of Department of Legal Provision and Statistics of IC Administration Davit Tumasyan were also present at the meeting.

IC Chairman assessed highly the cooperation established with the U.S. Embassy due to which a number of successful projects meant to develop the capacities of the Investigative Committee were implemented contributing to enhancement of efficiency of organization of pretrial proceeding.

“Since the first days of its establishment, the RA Investigative Committee strongly felt the partnership attitude and support of the U.S. Embassy in introduction of new mechanisms contributing to efficiency of organizing the work of structural and territorial subdivisions of the independent investigative body. As a result of this cooperation, a number of successful projects were implemented using new information technology capabilities in the investigative work which significantly contribute to enhancement of quality, efficiency of investigation, reduction of corruption risks”, mentioned H. Grigoryan.

The parties referred to digitalization of criminal cases, jointly implemented projects meant to ensure access to several information databases, exchanged ideas on new directions to develop cooperation.

The Ambassador also expressed gratitude for close cooperation and presented the newly appointed U.S. Embassy’s INL Program Director Michael Shulman.

“I am proud of the support the U.S. Embassy’s International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Office has provided the Investigative Committee over the years, including modernizing the Electronic Investigation System and sponsoring trainings on juvenile justice and anti-domestic violence issues”, said Richard Mills.  

The parties stated the significance of domestic cooperation as well as cooperation between the law enforcement bodies of different countries especially in fight against transnational crimes and recorded that only efficient cooperation can ensure the inevitability of punishment regardless of state borders and expressed confidence that cooperation will be continued.   

IC Chairman wished success to Ambassador Mills in his future diplomatic mission.