25.06.18, 14:07

Stabbing Two People at Night Club; Suspect Identified

Stabbing Two People at Night Club; Suspect Identified

Necessary investigatory actions are conducted in the Investigative Division of Avan and Nor Nork administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee to find out the circumstances of stabbing two citizens at the night club.

On June 23, 2018 at 07:00 a call was received from «Saint Gregory the Illuminator» medical center informing that H. Vardanyan with diagnoses of «cut-pierced wounds on the left part of the chest, cut injuries on the left and right thighs, injury of right kidney» and Y. Purtoyan with diagnoses of «cut-pierced not penetrating injury on the left part of the chest» were taken to medical center. It was found out that the mentioned people had sustained the bodily injuries during the argument that took place at one of the night clubs operating at Nor Nork administrative district.

A criminal case was initiated in the Investigative Division of Avan and Nor Nork administrative districts according to the Part 1 of the Article 112 and the Part 1 of the Article 113 of RA Criminal Code. Through inspection of the scene 1 capsule of 9 mm diameter, blood like traces and other items were found and taken. H. Vardanyan and Y. Purtoyan were found the injured party but they were not questioned as they were not able to give testimony. The clothes they were wearing at the moment of the incident were confiscated.

In the result of necessary investigatory and procedural actions conducted within the criminal case data were obtained on the person having committed the alleged crime.

Pursuant to initial data, a number of people argued over domestic matters during which someone stabbed H. Vardanyan and Y. Purtoyan and another participant fired a shot from a gas pistol.

During preliminary investigation the gas pistol was submitted to the investigative body. On the same day at 23:00 the person having committed the alleged crime surrendered himself and gave testimony. An investigatory experimentation was conducted in his presence during which the suspect told the circumstances of stabbing two people, pointed out the place of the knife and it was found. Signature not to leave was chosen as a pretrial measure against him. A number of examinations were commissioned to find the circumstances significant for the criminal case.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.