21.02.17, 12:59

Subdivision and investigator having recorded best indices in 2016 known; they were awarded (Photos)

Subdivision and investigator having recorded best indices in 2016 known; they were awarded (Photos)

On February 21 extended board session was held at the RA Investigative Committee which was headed by the RA IC Chairman Aghvan Hovsepyan. Work carried out in 2016 wас discussed, negative and positive indices were analyzed.

In the result of the analyses of the year’s work the subdivision and investigator having provided the best indices were determined.

The procedure to find the year’s best subdivision and the year’s best investigator of the RA Investigative Committee was confirmed by the RA IC Chairman’s order N 56-L of June 11, 2015. A commission consisted of 8 members was created.  

The commission is headed by Deputy Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee and the Head of General Department of Control over Activity of Territorial Investigative Departments, Head of Organizational-Analytical Division, Head of Department of Internal Security, Head of Yerevan Investigative Department, Head of Department of Control and Support to Investigation of Criminal Cases of General Military Investigative Department and two officials of the Committee presented by the IC Chairman are involved in the commission.

Four subdivisions were presented for nomination “The Year’s Subdivision”, 9 candidates were presented for “The Year’s Investigator”.

Considering the indices and results of criminal cases investigated and materials prepared by each candidate the RA IC Ararat Regional Investigative Department was found “The Year’s Subdivision”, senior investigator of the Investigative Division of Erebuni and Nubarashen administrative districts of the RA IC Yerevan Investigative Department Suren Manukyan was found “The Year’s Investigator”. They as well as a number of other employees having recorded best indices during the year were awarded with departmental awards.

Congratulating those encouraged the RA IC Chairman Aghvan Hovsepyan thanked conscientious employees for their contribution to administration of justice by their everyday activity. At the same time A. Hovsepyan stated with satisfaction that Kotayq Regional Investigative Department found “The Best Subdivision” in 2015 went on with efficient work in 2016, as well, maintained the positive results and expressed hope that such awards will favor to more consistent and conscientious treatment to implementation of procedural authorities by territorial subdivisions thus contributing to development of public trust towards the activity of the RA Investigative Committee.  

Stating that last year there were also employees subjected to liability for bad work and violations, the IC Chairman emphasized. “I am confident that those people will draw necessary conclusions, will realize the whole responsibility of their procedural status in administration of justice, will provide the disclosure of objective reality within criminal cases and will strictly apply the law”. Then he assured that conscientious employees will always be under care but those breaking the law will be removed.